医学图像处理:CT与CBCT - 简书
2020年5月2日 · 专门用于对颌面区域成像的锥形束CT(CBCT)的引入,标志着颌面区域成像无论是在数据采集还是在图像重建过程,从2D到3D的转变。 CBCT引起了牙科各个领域的空前兴趣,因为其掀起了颌面成像的一场革命,促进了牙科诊断从2D图像过渡到3D图像,并真正实现了将成像的作用从诊断扩展到手术和外科手术的图像指导,这种图像指导仅仅需要一个第三方应用软件即可实现。 2. CBCT成像:快速获取整个FOV的数据集合. CBCT是一项最新技术。 其成像过 …
A quantitative CBCT pipeline based on 2D antiscatter grid and …
2023年9月4日 · In this work, a physics-driven approach was investigated that combined robust scatter rejection, raw data correction and iterative image reconstruction to further improve CBCT image quality and quantitative accuracy, referred to as quantitative CBCT (qCBCT).
Effectiveness of cone-beam computed tomography-generated
2022年11月29日 · Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) has minimal image distortion, and important parts can be observed without overlapping. It provides a high-resolution three-dimensional...
RomainDeleat-besson/CBCT_seg - GitHub
CBCT_seg is a tool for CBCT segmentation based on a machine learning approach. The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) used is a 2D U-Net. It takes several CBCT scans as inputs, with the extensions: .nii | nii.gz, .gipl | .gipl.gz, .nrrd
Degree of Concordance Between Cone Beam Computerized Tomography (Cbct ...
This study aims to establish the degree of agreement between radiographic diagnosis with 2D intraoral digital radiography in relation to cone beam computed tomography in extracted carious and healthy posterior teeth, practicing the CariesCare International ™ practical guide as a …
放疗图像引导(二):KV CBCT成像技术介绍-射频工程师
2016年5月18日 · 从成像结构看,CBCT用三维锥形束X线扫描代替常规诊断CT的二维扇形束扫描;与此相对应,CBCT采用一种二维面状探测器来代替常规诊断CT的线状探测器。 由上图可知,因为数据获取的方式不一样,常规诊断CT的投影数据是一维的,重建后的图像数据是二维的,后处理工作站上的三维图像是连续多个二维切片堆积而成的;CBCT的投影数据是二维的,重建后直接得到三维图像。 显然,CBCT采用锥形束X线扫描可以显著提高X线的利用率,只需旋转360度即 …
2D-3D radiograph to cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT ... - PubMed
Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans are sometimes available, so 2D-3D registration is needed for intra-procedural guidance. C-arm radiographs were registered to CBCT scans and used for 3D localization of peritumor fiducials during a minimally invasive thoracic intervention with a da Vinci Si robot.
CBCT重建保姆级入门(一) - CSDN博客
2022年11月12日 · CBCT利用在不同 角度拍摄患者的序列图像进行三维重建,重建算法遵循的几何位置关系即是X射线源-等中心-平板之间的位置关系。 几何位置 旋转矩阵 X射线源到等中心点的距离为SourceToIsocenter,到平板探测器的距离为SourceToDetectorDistance: 设备实际运行中,由 …
CBCT:不是CT,但也前途一片光明 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2V-CBCT: Two-Orthogonal-Projection Based CBCT Reconstruction …
This work demonstrates the feasibility of two-orthogonal-projection-based CBCT (2V-CBCT) reconstruction and dose calculation for radiation therapy (RT) using real projection data, which is the first 2V-CBCT feasibility study with real projection data, to the best of our knowledge.
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