CBR1000RR-R - Honda Racing Corporation
The CBR1000RR-R can produce more powerful yet maneuverable performance than before when the exclusively designed HRC kit parts are mounted to the base motorcycle, which performs better thanks to installation of the two-motor TBW (throttle-by-wire) system.
2024 - Honda Racing Corporation
The HRC Racing Kit is a race-only kit to enhance the performance of the CBR1000RR-R on race circuits, targeting a wide range of users. Racing kit parts compliant with regulations of each country are available.
CBR1000RR - Honda Racing Corporation
HRC will start to take orders and sell ENGINE POWER UP KIT(2) racing kit for exclusive use in races for the 2011 model of the CBR1000RR from February 2011. The ENGINE POWER UP KIT(2) is developed with know-how of HRC on the CBR1000RRW work machine to improve engine performance further.
CBR1000RR - 1000cc Supersport Motorcycle - Honda - Honda Powersports
If ultimate performance is what you’re after, the CBR1000RR brings MotoGP tech straight to your street. A twin-spar aluminum chassis, premium suspension, and aerodynamic design make …
Machine: Honda CBR1000RR-R FIREBLADE SP - Honda Racing …
The CBR1000RR-R Fireblade SP delivers maximum power of 160kW at 14,500rpm and peak torque of 113Nm at 12,500rpm while tipping the scales at just 201kg. In terms of engine configuration, the in-line 4 layout, with its short front-to-back dimensions, ensure an ultra-high-end performance engine while allowing for very compact overall packaging.
HRC | レーシングキット | CBR1000RR-R用 - 本田技研工業 ...
CBR1000RR-R レーシングキットは、幅広いユーザーがサーキットで戦闘力を発揮していただくことを目的としたレース専用キットです。 2モーター式スロットル・バイ・ワイヤーシステムの搭載により性能が底上げされたベース車両へ専用設計されたHRCキットパーツを組み込む事で、従来よりもパワフルでありながら扱いやすい性能を得る事ができ、またRCV(Revolutionary Controlled Valve)を採用したエキゾーストを組み合わせることで、コーナリング時の加減速 …
CBR1000RR-R FIREBLADE SP | WorldSBK - Honda.Racing
The CBR1000RR-R FIREBLADE SP delivers maximum power of 160kW at 14,500rpm and peak torque of 113Nm at 12,500rpm while tipping the scales at just 201kg. In terms of engine configuration, the in-line 4 layout, with its short front-to-back dimensions, ensure an ultra-high-end performance engine while allowing for very compact overall packaging.
HRC Race Parts - Honda CBR 1000RR Forums
2020年6月13日 · HRC also sells parts to develop it into a full "race bike." There are fewer parts/modifications needed to get it there on the SC82s than in the past, but it still requires additional parts and an HRC ECU. This thread is discussing the HRC upgrades and ECU.
The Honda HRC team launches its 2025 World Superbike season
On 10 February, the Honda HRC team digitally presented its 2025 project and the CBR1000RR-R with which it will contest the 2025 Superbike World Championship. Appearing on the striking livery of the Honda HRC team’s 2025 CBR1000RR-R is new sponsor Ixon which, together with new technical partner Öhlins, is set to support the team throughout ...
HRC kit ECU (SST) PGM-FI/IGN Honda CBR1000RR-R (SP) 2020
HRC superstock (SST) kit ECU for the 2020 CBR1000RR-R (SP). To be used with the HRC kit wiring harness (32100-NLT-000). For programming you need the data cable (38900-NLT-000).