CC-177 Globemaster III - Aircraft - Royal Canadian Air Force
The CC-177 Globemaster III strategic airlifter transports troops, cargo and oversized combat equipment. Rapid, reliable and flexible, it is equipped with advanced digital avionics. The Globemaster can fly long distances and land in remote airfields, making it a premier transporter for military, humanitarian and peacekeeping missions.
Boeing C-17 Globemaster III - Wikipedia
The McDonnell Douglas / Boeing C-17 Globemaster III is a large military transport aircraft developed for the United States Air Force (USAF) between the 1980s to the early 1990s by McDonnell Douglas.
波音C-17环球霸王III - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
C-17全球霸王III是美軍最新型的運輸機,其技術最難之處在於要求具有高度靈活性,同時在戰略戰術兩個不同需求方面,皆必須十分優秀的軍用運輸機,以适应于快速將部隊部署到主要 軍事基地 或者直接運送到前方基地的戰略運輸,必要時也可勝任第一線野戰戰術運輸和大量空投任務。 C-17全球霸王III运输机身长53.04米,机高16.79米,翼展51.81米,最大起飞重量265.35 吨。 它的設計十分可靠,可在915米长的简易跑道上着陆(使用 推力反向器),据美军介绍,符合这种条 …
C-17运输机 - 百度百科
C-17运输机(英文:C-17,代号:Globemaster III,译文:环球霸王III,通称:波音C-17环球霸王III),是美国空军一型大型战略战术运输机。 C-17运输机的作战范围和功能涵盖了过去的C-5运输机和运输机所具备的一切,融合战略和战术空运能力于一身,是当今世界上唯一可以同时适应战略、战术任务的运输机。 C-17适应于快速将部队部署到主要 军事基地 或者直接运送到前方基地的战略运输,必要时该飞机也可胜任战术运输和空投任务。 这种固有的灵活性和性能帮助美军大 …
177705 Royal Canadian Air Force Boeing CC-177 Globemaster III …
2024年8月12日 · Boeing CC-177 Globemaster III (C-17A) with registration 177705 airframe details and operator history including first flight and delivery dates, seat configurations, engines, fleet numbers and names
CC-177 GLOBEMASTER III The CC-177 Globemaster III strategic airlifter transports troops, cargo and oversized combat equipment. Rapid, reliable and flexible, it is equipped with advanced digital avionics. The Globemaster can fly long distances and land in remote airfields, making it a premier transporter for military, humanitarian and peace-
CC-177 Globemaster procurement project - Canada.ca
2015年3月30日 · The CC-177 has played an integral role in ferrying supplies and troops to Kuwait to establish and resupply the Canadian camp through Op IMPACT. Canada also provided a CC-177 aircraft (as well as a CC-130J) to transport military supplies donated by allies to security forces in Iraq through Op IMPACT.
Canada's New CC-177 Globemaster III - Canadaka.net
Boeing's C-17 (officially designated as the CC-177 in Canada) is Canada's newest airlift purchase and will help provide everything from rapid strategic delivery of troops to cargo transport of oversized combat equipment from coast to coast and to anywhere in the world - including to our troops in Afghanistan.
CC-177 GLOBEMASTER III - Canadian Defence Review
The CC-177 Globemaster III strategic airlifter transports troops, cargo and oversized combat equipment. Rapid, reliable and flexible, it is equipped with advanced digital avionics. The Globemaster can fly long distances and land in remote airfields, making it a premier transporter for military, humanitarian and peacekeeping missions.
C-17 运输机 发展历程 - 爱空军 iAirForce
这些c-17在加拿大军队内部被称为cc-177“环球霸王”iii。 波音公司于2007年10月向加拿大交付了第二架C-17A,最后两架2008年已经交付。 “加拿大一号”于2007年8月23日进行了首次任务飞行,它在飓风袭击加勒比岛国牙买加后向该国运送了人道主义救援物资。
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