3C Chlormequat 750 - BASF
A plant growth regulator for winter and spring wheat, winter and spring barley, oats, rye and triticale containing chlormequat.
CCC reduced cleanout relative to an untreated control. There was no effect of any PGR treatment on seed number. Overall, the addition of CCC to the PGR mix was more effective at Site 1. At Site 2, we saw no effect of any . PGR combination on yield or yield components, with . the exception of tiller height, which was reduced by the
Chlormequat chloride CCC - PGR Technology - growin biotech
Home / PGR / Retardant / Chlormequat chloride CCC Chlormequat chloride CCC Chlormetrodin is a compound of gibberellic acid, which is a quaternary ammonium salt plant growth retarder.
One onium PGR used in crop production is . chlormequat chloride (CCC), and the most widely used . acylcyclohexanedione PGR is trinexapac-ethyl (TE; Palisade EC, Syngenta) (Rademacher, 2015). Prior to the development of TE, CCC was used commercially in perennial ryegrass seed crops in New Zealand, where it
Chlormequat Chloride (CCC) - 66% | Eastman
Chlormequat chloride 66% is a plant growth regulator inhibiting the action of the gibberellic acid, resulting in shortening and strengthening of stems in plants and reduced branching and foliage in certain species of shrubs and trees. Treatment rates range from 0.2 to 3 l/ha.
Chlormequat - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Chlormequat chloride (CCC), also called cycocel, is one of the synthetic growth retardants, which might be employed for improving crop production under environmental stresses, such as salinity. CCC has been recommended for wheat since 1960s, when the primary use of CCC had been for shortening stem height in tall wheat cultivars to reduce ...
Spring nitrogen and plant growth regulator effects on seed yield …
2024年10月8日 · Seed yield increases in orchardgrass may be possible with plant growth regulators (PGRs) such as trinexapac-ethyl (TE) and chlormequat chloride (CCC). An interaction of spring nitrogen (N) and PGR increased seed yields in 2 years, while spring N and PGR increased seed yield independently in the other year.
Plant Growth Regulators | Adjust SL | Eastman - LLumar
Eastman’s PGR is a chlormequat chloride (CCC) formulation with proven grower and planet benefits. Learn more about Adjust SL, including yield, seasonal conditions and lodging. Take control of your crops today.
作物栽培における塩化クロルメコート (CCC)の有効性と機能
2023年4月26日 · 塩化クロルメコート(CCC)を分げつの先端部と接ぎ始めに散布すると、茎の下位1~3節の節間の伸長を効果的に抑制でき、小麦の倒伏防止と出穂率の向上に非常に効果的です。 接合期に塩化クロルメコート(CCC)を1,000~2,000mg散布すると、節間の伸長が阻害され、穂の正常な発育にも影響を及ぼし、収量が低下します。 塩化クロルメコート(CCC)はジベレリンの拮抗薬です。 その主な機能はジベレリンの生合成を阻害することです。 細胞分裂 …
PGR Chlormequat Chloride CCC CAS 999-81-5 - zhuoerchem.com
Chlormequat chloride is a low poisonous plant growth regulator(PGR), plant growth retardant.It can be absorbed through leaves, branches, buds, the root system and seeds, control the plant excessive growth and cut down the knot of plant to be short, strong, coarse, root system to prosper and resist lodging.
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