ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) - Study-CCNA
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) is a network layer protocol that reports errors and provides information related to IP packet processing. ICMP is used by network devices to send error messages indicating, for example, that a requested service is not available or that a …
13.3.4 Module Quiz – ICMP (Answers) - ITExamAnswers
2020年3月31日 · 13.3.4 Module Quiz – ICMP Answers. 1. What is a function of the tracert command that differs from the ping command when they are used on a workstation? The tracert command reaches the destination faster. The tracert command shows the information of routers in the path. The tracert command sends one ICMP message to each hop in the path.
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) - GeeksforGeeks
2024年9月12日 · What is ICMP? ICMP is used for reporting errors and management queries. It is a supporting protocol and is used by network devices like routers for sending error messages and operations information. For example, the requested service is not available or a host or router could not be reached.
13.1.6 Check Your Understanding – ICMP Messages Answers
2022年6月13日 · Which two types of ICMP messages are common to both ICMPv4 and ICMPv6? (Choose two.) Explanation: ICMP messages common to both ICMPv4 and ICMPv6 include host confirmation, destination or service unreachable, and time exceeded. 2. Which type of ICMPv6 message would a host send to acquire an IPv6 configuration when booting up?
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol - CCNA TUTORIALS
2019年7月15日 · ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol is an internet layer protocol in TCP/IP model. The ICMP protocol provides error reporting, troubleshooting of network devices in a network. ICMP works with IP protocol, as IP protocol is a connectionless and unreliable protocol. ICMP is mostly used by ping and traceroute command. Data lost reporting is ...
13.3.1 Packet Tracer – Use ICMP to Test and Correct Network ...
2019年12月27日 · You use ICMP to find out which resources are unreachable and the locations from which they can’t be reached. Then, you use trace to locate the point at which network connectivity is broken. Finally, you fix the errors that you find …
CCNA1-ITNv7 - Module 13 - ICMP - YouTube
CCNA1-ITNv7 - Module 13 - ICMPPreparing students for Cisco 200-301 CCNALecture Playlisthttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1U-z6tCj5WAakxzJFWN0y3jvOfklHq...
CCNA 200-301系列:ICMP简介 - 阿里云开发者社区
2024年4月26日 · ICMP是一个专门用于发送错误和控制消息的网络层协议。 它不仅用于报告错误,还用于协助解决故障,因此有时被称为“网络的修理工”。 由于它是IP协议的一部分,所以其消息直接封装在IP数据包内进行发送。 ICMP消息分为两大类:错误报告消息和查询消息。 当网络中的路由器或主机遇到传输问题时,它们会生成ICMP错误报告消息。 这些消息包括: 目的地不可达: 指示无法将数据包递送到目标地址。 超时: 表示数据包的传输时间超出了预定的限制。 参数问 …
2020年12月9日 · ICMP协议的功能 其功能主要有:侦测远端主机是否存在,建立及维护路由资料,重导资料传送路径(ICMP重定向),资料流量控制。ICMP在沟通之中,主要是透过不同的类别(Type)与代码(Code) 让机器来识别不同的连线状况。 ICMP工作原理 ICMP提供一致易懂的出错报 …
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) | CCNA#
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is a network layer protocol that reports errors and provides information related to IP packet processing. ICMP is used by network devices to send error messages indicating, for example, that a requested service is not available or that a …