本報告係臺灣證券交易所(以下簡稱「證交所」)以擔任臺灣集中交易市場之集中交易保證交割對手(CCP )與證券交割系統(SSS)角度,就CPSS-IOSCO 於2012 年4 月頒布之最新24項金融基本市場結構原則,進行逐項評估之結果。
Securities settlement systems and central counterparties
Securities settlement systems (SSSs) and central counterparties (CCPs) are key components of the financial system. A financial, legal or operational problem in any of the institutions that perform critical functions in the clearing and settlement process can be a source of systemic disturbance for the financial system as a whole.
tlement System (SSS) ensuring transfer and delivery of funds and securities in settlement. As a CCP, TPEx integrates clearing and settlement services for many products, including TPEx’s listed Stocks, Warrants, Exchange-tr
姚前:基于区块链的新型金融市场基础设施 - 安全内参 | 决策者的 …
Two of the 24 PFMI principles are not applicable to HKSCC as a CCP, SSS operator and CSD. They are Principle 10: Physical Deliveries and Principle 24: Disclosure of Market Data by Trade Repositories.
Recommendations for Central Counterparties
2004年11月23日 · Recommendations for Central Counterparties aims to set out comprehensive standards for risk management of a central counterparty (CCP). CCPs occupy an important place in securities settlement systems (SSSs). A CCP interposes itself between counterparties to financial transactions, becoming the buyer to the seller and the seller to the buyer.
The China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited (SD&C) is the central counterparty (CCP), SSS, as well as the CSD for all instruments traded on the SSE and SZSE. The SD&C was established in 2001 and is jointly owned by …
The Securities Settlement Systems (SSS) in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) are organized around three different types of markets, which are the bond market, the corporate securities market and the futures market. The bond market comprises the interbank bond market, the exchange bond market and the bank counter market.
欧科云链研究院:股权市场区块链建设获批,未来前景几何?_荔枝 …
2020年7月22日 · 按照国际通行分类,金融基础设施分为支付系统 (PS)、中央证券存管 (CSD)与证券结算系统 (SSS)、中央对手方 (CCP)、交易报告库 (TR)、其他金融市场基础设施,而区块链将要取代的将是CSD,SSS,CCP,这将对金融市场带来变革性的影响,这也是监管层必须考虑的因素 ...
Clearing, settlement and risk management | B3
In post-trade, B3 acts as a central counterparty (CCP) and securities settlement system (SSS) for trades executed in the PUMA Trading System, through the B3 Clearinghouse; as well as for FX trades registered directly at the B3 Foreign Exchange Clearinghouse.
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