Multi-Use Building - CCSF
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Contact Admissions & Records/Registration - CCSF
Use the contact information below to reach a specific office in the Admissions & Records/Registration Department. Admissions & Records/Registration services are available at each of the CCSF centers. Contact the center for up to date days and times of services. For more info, visit https://www.ccsf.edu/about/our-locations.
Admissions & Records/Registration - CCSF
Ready to sign up for classes? Whether it's your first semester at CCSF or you're a continuing student, our department helps you through the process of registering for classes for an upcoming term. Visit the Registration Center Virtual Counter or at Ocean Campus, MUB 130 or email us at [email protected].
CCSF Multi-Use Building | architect-portfolio
At 102,000 sf, this LEED Gold building for the City College of San Francisco creates a home for three programs: Teacher Education, Child Development, and Community Health. It includes classrooms, administrative offices, laboratories, meeting rooms, study spaces, a childcare/family center, activity room, computer lab, and café.
Library Cards - City College of San Francisco
On Ocean Campus, get an ID card at the Multi-Use Building (MUB) room 130B. Other center ID office locations are listed below. Students must be registered in the current semester for the student ID card to be a valid library card. Your current …
CCSF - City College of San Francisco
San Francisco Welcome to CCSF! Your Guided Virtual Tour CCSF Welcome to CCSF!radio_button_unchecked Multi-Use Building (MUB)radio_button_unchecked Smith Hall, Ram Plaza, and Student Unionradio_button_unchecked
CCSF Ocean Avenue Campus Map Veterans Services (Cloud Hall 333) Women's Resource Center (Smith Hall 104) Report Web Issues to [email protected] 50 Frida Kahlo Way, San Francisco, CA 94112, 415-239-3000 Home Site Index
Academic Counseling - CCSF
Academics Counselors are available to guide you in choosing a major and making an educational plan, lead you to essential support resources and programs, and help you with personal concerns. You can schedule an appointment online through our online system (eSARS). Note that you can only book up to 2 weeks in advance.
Parking Permit Requirements - CCSF
You should be aware of the College regulations for Parking, smoking, skateboarding, animals, and bicycles. Temporary Parking Permits can be obtained at MUB 360 after purchase and payment. Students registered for classes need to reapply for a parking permit every semester.
CCSF – MUB (Multi-Use Building) is applying for an Authority to Construct/Permit to Operate for the following equipment: S-3 Emergency Standby Natural Gas (NG) Engine Make: Generac, Model: SG-130, Model Year: 2016 230.30 bhp, 1.89 MMBtu/hr