冠脉CTA斑块分析 - 知乎
冠状动脉CTA(coronary CTA,CCTA)不仅能较为准确地无创评价冠状动脉管腔狭窄,且有助于显示斑块并识别易损斑块,易损斑块也称为高危斑块。 与组织病理学和IVUS相比,CCTA可以准确评价ACS患者的高危斑块特征,对指导冠心病患者的临床管理有重要意义。
Coronary CT angiography versus intravascular ultrasound for …
Compared with IVUS, coronary CTA appears to be highly accurate for estimation of luminal area, percentage of area stenosis, plaque volume, and plaque area and for detection of plaque. The use of automated vessel and stenosis measurements appears promising in limited studies to date.
Implications of computed tomography reconstruction algorithms …
2023年1月1日 · The objective of the study is to prospectively examine the efficacy of different CCTA reconstruction algorithms in identifying atherosclerotic plaques and quantifying lumen and vessel wall dimensions and plaque burden (PB) in coronary atheroma when using high-resolution IVUS imaging as the reference standard.
健心知著 | REVEALPLAQUE 研究:基于前瞻性深度学习的CCTA冠脉斑块定量评估vs. IVUS
2024年11月13日 · 本研究旨对比基于前瞻性深度学习的CCTA冠脉斑块定量评估( AI-QCPA)与IVUS的测量结果,研究于2024年4月发表在European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging 杂志。 本研究纳入了15个中心的临床稳定的已知冠状动脉疾病患者,利用AI-QCPA评估冠脉斑块(包括总斑块体积、血管体积、管腔体积、钙化斑块、非钙化斑块等),并以盲法、核心实验室判定的方式与IVUS测量结果进行比较。 本研究共对237例患者的临床基线特征进行了分析,其中包 …
健心知著 | CCTA评估冠状动脉左主干狭窄程度 -- 严道医声网
2025年1月22日 · 前期研究表明,血管内超声(IVUS)评估的最小管腔面积(MLA)≥6 mm2可作为安全推迟血运重建的公认阈值。 与金标准IVUS相比,定量冠状动脉CT血管成像(CCTA)是否可以帮助LMCA血运重建的决策仍有待进一步探讨。
A head-to-head comparison between CT- and IVUS-derived
2017年1月25日 · A comparison between CCTA and IVUS in terms of hemodynamic variables predicted by computational fluid dynamic models could help to better understand the implications of modeling choices, and gain insight about the sensitivity to imaging modality.
冠状动脉CT血管成像在易损斑块诊断中的价值 - 中华放射学杂志
血管内超声(intravascular ultrasound,IVUS)在易损斑块的检测中应用广泛,可有效评估冠状动脉斑块特点,常用于指导和优化冠状动脉介入治疗,但其作为一种有创性检查方式,并非适用于所有患者。
Computed tomography versus near-infrared spectroscopy for the ...
2024年12月2日 · NIRS-IVUS offers precise assessment of coronary artery pathology but is invasive and limited in scope, while CCTA is emerging as a non-invasive alternative for comprehensive plaque evaluation.
Coronary CT Angiography in the Quantitative Assessment of …
2014年8月5日 · CCTA has been shown to demonstrate excellent diagnostic accuracy for the detection of coronary plaques when compared to the reference standard, IVUS, with the pooled sensitivity and specificity of 90% (95% confidence interval …
452 Quantitative Assessment Of AI-based CCTA Plaque Volume …
IVUS pullbacks were co-registered with CTA and analyzed by a core lab (Cardiovascular Research Foundation, New York, NY) to measure total vessel, lumen, total plaque, calcified plaque, and non-calcified plaque volumes. A team blinded to IVUS used an AI-based CCTA prototype to measure plaque volumes as defined by IVUS.