Pathology Outlines - CD15
2024年3月19日 · 15% of peripheral T cell lymphoma (Am J Surg Pathol 2003;27:1513, Int J Oncol 2003;22:319) 5% of B cell lymphomas, including some B-CLL and pre-pre B ALL (Am J Clin Pathol 2002;117:380, Arch Pathol Lab Med 2001;125:1227)
Pathology Outlines - Stains & CD markers
Immunostains, routine stains and CD markers at PathologyOutlines.com. Page views in 2025 to date (this page and chapter topics): 791,459
Pathology Outlines - CD30
Diffuse large B cell lymphoma; CD30 expressed in 10 - 15% of cases (Hum Pathol 2017;60:160, Mod Pathol 2015;28:1202) Follicular lymphoma (Arch Pathol Lab Med 2022 Apr 26 [Epub ahead of print]) Lymphomatoid granulomatosis (Am J Surg Pathol 2015;39:141) Plasmablastic lymphoma; expressed in 20 - 30% of cases (Blood 2015;125:2323)
Pathology Outlines - CD56
2023年2月9日 · Primary cutaneous gamma delta T cell lymphoma (Cureus 2023;15:e35442) Other Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma (Hum Pathol 2009;40:341, Mod Pathol 2008;21:795) Cardiac ischemic damage (Verh Dtsch Ges Pathol 2004;88:246) Extrahepatic biliary atresia (Am J Surg Pathol 2003;27:1454)
Pathology Outlines - CD10
2023年1月17日 · Another study recommends use of HepPar1, MOC31 and pCEA but not CD10 (Mod Pathol 2002;15:1279) Kidney tumors: Distinguish renal cell carcinoma, clear cell type, eosinophilic variant (CD10+) from chromophobe carcinoma, eosinophilic variant or oncocytoma (both CD10-) ( Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol 2012;20:454 )
Pathology Outlines - CD138
2024年6月13日 · Involved in cell proliferation, migration, adhesion and angiogenesis with loss of CD138 expression leading to enhanced motility and invasion of neoplastic cells (Oncotarget 2015;6:28693)
Pathology Outlines - CD5
2025年1月30日 · Some studies report lower or varied CD5 positivity rates in atypical forms (Cancers [Basel] 20223;15:4427) B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (80 - 93%) (Leuk Lymphoma 1998;31:209) T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T ALL) Mantle cell lymphoma (95%) (Am J Surg Pathol 2019;43:1052)
Pathology Outlines - Top CD Markers and Stains Pages In 2021
Top CD Markers and Stains Pages In 2021. 30150 Telegraph Road, Suite 119, Bingham Farms, Michigan 48025 (USA)
Pathology Outlines - CD30-39
2021年5月6日 · Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma (Am J Surg Pathol 1998;22:1048, Mod Pathol 2002;15:50) Hodgkin lymphoma (Reed-Sternberg cells in 5%) (Am J Surg Pathol 1999;23:363) Inflammatory GI fibroid polyps (focal in stromal cells) (Am J Surg Pathol 2004;28:107) Splenic marginal zone lymphoma (some cases) (Am J Surg Pathol 2007;31:438)
Pathology Outlines - CD117
2022年6月9日 · Acute myeloid leukemia (Gastroenterology Res 2022;15:39, Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol 2005;13:205) Adenoid cystic carcinoma of salivary gland (strong staining) Angiomyolipoma (Am J Surg Pathol 2002;26:493) Angiosarcomas (50%) (Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol 2005;13:205)