CD7+ and CD56+ Myeloid/Natural Killer Cell Precursor Acute …
1997年9月15日 · We have identified seven cases of a unique form of acute leukemia of conceivable myeloid/NK cell precursor phenotype (ie, CD7 +, CD33 +, CD34 +, CD56 +, and frequently HLA-DR + type) suggested to be immature in terms of morphology, phenotype, and genotype compared with those described by Scott et al. 14 These seven cases were all characterized ...
Functionally distinct subsets of human NK cells and monocyte/DC …
2009年11月26日 · Our data indicate that CD7 and CD56 coexpression discriminates NK cells from CD7 neg CD56 + monocyte/DC-like cells, thereby improving our ability to study the intricacies of NK-cell subset phenotypes and functions in vivo.
The importance of CD7 and CD56 antigens in acute leukaemias
Our data showed that CD7 and CD56 positivity at diagnosis associated with low remission rate and biological aggressiveness in a significant proportion of patients. We suggest the evaluation of CD7 and CD56 in all patients with acute leukaemias at the time of diagnosis in view of poor clinical outcome.
2020年6月19日 · 查阅近年来相关文献,现就 CD 7、CD19、CD56 抗原. 在急性髓系白血病方面是否有独特临床特征、遗传标志及预后方面的信息进行阐述。 热、肝脾淋巴结肿大 、骨骼疼痛等各器官浸润症状。 AML 、伴骨髓增生异常综合征(MDS)病史。 其中,细胞. 性髓系白血病重要的独立预后因素之一。 有文献报道 [,急. 缺乏特征性的染色体变化, 然而这部分预后差异明显。 另 …
Immunophenotypic Markers CD7 and CD56 Improve Risk …
2024年11月5日 · The immunophenotypic markers CD7 and CD56 identify patients with adverse outcomes following HMA+VEN therapy independent of mPRS risk group, additional genetic mutations, and underlying cytogenetics.
四色流式细胞术用于急性白血病免疫分型的中国专家共识(2015年 …
对于AML患者,首先观察髓系标志抗原强度是否异常,及是否出现早期和晚期标志共表达,还应检测是否表达淋系标志,如CD7、CD56、CD19等。 其他标志如CD5、CD2表达比例相对低,可选择性应用。
CD7+ and CD56+ myeloid/natural killer cell precursor acute ... - PubMed
1997年9月15日 · These data suggested that the CD7+ and CD56+ myeloid/NK cell precursor acute leukemia might constitute a distinct biologic and clinical disease entity. Its recognition appears to be particularly important for the clinicopathologic evaluation of CD56+ hematolymphoid malignancies and the development of therapeutic approaches to such disease.
CAR-NK cells derived from cord blood originate mainly from CD56−CD7 …
2024年12月12日 · These results indicate that CD56 − CD7 + CD34 − HLA-DR − lineage marker (Lin) − cells are the major origin of human CB-derived CAR-NK cells, indicating the importance of developing methods to enhance the quality and quantity of …
Functionally distinct subsets of human NK cells and monocyte/DC …
2009年11月26日 · Our data indicate that CD7 and CD56 coexpression discriminates NK cells from CD7 (neg)CD56+ monocyte/DC-like cells, thereby improving our ability to study the intricacies of NK-cell subset phenotypes and functions in vivo.
免疫学基础:一文读懂用于细胞鉴定的CD分子 - 知乎
CD16和CD56是两种最常用于定义NK细胞的抗原。 NK细胞上的CD16与早先在粒细胞上描述的细胞外分子相同,但它是完全跨膜的并且具有ITAM的细胞质尾部而不是通过GPI锚附着。