Complement-Induced Cell Death by Rituximab Depends on CD20 …
2006年7月3日 · Results: We show a sigmoidal correlation of CD20 expression level and rituximab-mediated killing via CDC but not ADCC. On both high and low CD20-expressing cells, all CD20 molecules were translocated into lipid rafts after rituximab binding. Furthermore, CDC and ADCC act simultaneously and CDC-resistant cells are sensitive to ADCC and vice versa.
【干货】抗体介导的ADCC和CDC作用 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
利妥昔单抗是一种 CD20特异性抗体, 非霍奇金淋巴瘤 的特效药物,它就是通过ADCC和 CDC作用 杀伤肿瘤细胞的。 今天我们就以利妥昔单抗为例和大家聊聊ADCC和CDC作用。 图1. 罗氏制药利妥昔单抗. 作为一种典型的IgG抗体,利妥昔单抗从作用机制方面来看拥有抗体-抗原结合部位Fab段和与Fc受体、补体结合的部位Fc段。 利妥昔单抗的Fab段能够与人CD20蛋白紧密结合。 而Fc段决定了利妥昔单抗的效应功能,包括 ADCC作用 和CDC作用,其作用机制见图2。 图2 …
抗体三大作用机制:ADCC/ADCP/CDC - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
抗体的结构决定其作用机制,其Fab段可以识别游离分子 (VEGF、TNF等)靶点和细胞表面的受体 (CD20、CD19等),决定抗体对外来入侵物如癌细胞等的特异性识别。 而Fc段决定抗体的效应功能,包括 抗体依赖的细胞介导的细胞毒性作用 (ADCC)、 抗体依赖性细胞介导的吞噬作用 (ADCP),以及 补体依赖的细胞毒性作用 (CDC)。 指抗体的Fab段结合病毒感染的细胞或肿瘤细胞的抗原表位,其Fc段与杀伤细胞(NK细胞、巨噬细胞、中性粒细胞等)表面的FcR结 …
抗CD20单抗科普:从一代的利妥昔到三代的阿妥珠 - MedSci
2020年5月7日 · cd20作为b细胞的表面抗原,出现在前b细胞到成熟b细胞阶段,但是cd20并不表达在造血干细胞,祖b细胞以及成熟的浆细胞上。 在人体中,CD20表面抗原是由MS4A1基因编码的。
Complement-induced cell death by rituximab depends on CD20 ... - PubMed
2006年7月1日 · Results: We show a sigmoidal correlation of CD20 expression level and rituximab-mediated killing via CDC but not ADCC. On both high and low CD20-expressing cells, all CD20 molecules were translocated into lipid rafts after rituximab binding. Furthermore, CDC and ADCC act simultaneously and CDC-resistant cells are sensitive to ADCC and vice versa.
【CD20走花路】肿瘤与自免领域的治疗进展综合篇 - 知乎
2025年2月23日 · 第二代CD20单抗 奥妥珠单抗 (Obinutuzumab)通过增强ADCC和直接诱导细胞凋亡,在慢性淋巴细胞白血病治疗中展现更高疗效,2022年销售额突破50亿美元。此外,全人源化CD20单抗 瑞帕妥单抗 2022年销售额也超过20亿美元,市场表现优异。 CD20双抗,创新突破
The regulation and function of CD20: an “enigma” of B-cell …
Herein, we review the current understanding of CD20 function, and the mechanisms of its regulation in normal and malignant B cells, highlighting the therapeutic implications. The approval of the anti-CD20 antibody rituximab by the Food and Drug Administration in 1997 was a conceptual breakthrough in the treatment of B-cell malignancies.
Fc相关作用机制之补体依赖细胞毒作用(CDC) - 百度
抗CD20抗体rituximab的一个重要作用机制就是CDC。 研究显示,rituximab可以完全治愈接种有稳定转染人CD20的小鼠淋巴瘤EL4 细胞的完全免疫小鼠。 然而,其治疗作用在C1q基因敲除小鼠体内完全丧失。
Exploring complement-dependent cytotoxicity by rituximab
2022年6月20日 · The results demonstrate that CDC outcome in CD20 + B-cell lymphoma is synergistically influenced by choice of RTX isotype, antigen density, tumor structure, and degree of CD59 expression. Assessment of tumor signatures, such as CD20/CD59 ratio, can be advantageous to predict CDC efficiency …
Complementing CD20 antibodies’ effector functions | Blood
2025年3月20日 · CD20 antibodies segregate into 2 classes, which differ in their predominant effector mechanisms and in their binding stoichiometry. 7 In the study by Baskar et al, only the type 1 antibodies rituximab and ofatumumab, but not the type 2 antibody obinituzumab, were investigated. Ofatumumab is known to have the highest CDC activity but is no longer available for lymphoma therapy.