2. CDM is a values-based tool -- the core needs to reflect those values C. Arrows run both directions between core and five steps 1. Core informs/guides each step – ensures officers’ actions are based on agency mission and values 2. No step can contradict ethics/values in the core III. CDM Steps 1-5 A. A 5-step model: 1.
Managing a Critical Incident - Police Executive Research Forum
The CDM can help first-line supervisors (FLSs) make crucial and time-sensitive decisions during critical incidents. When supervisors work their way through the CDM, or “spin the model,” they will go through a structured set of directions that will help them manage dynamic situations and ensure a safe outcome.
ICAT - Police Executive Research Forum
Module 2: The Critical Decision-Making Model – This module teaches the Critical Decision-Making Model (CDM), which is the backbone of the entire ICAT program. Instructors cover the five steps of the CDM – collect information; assess situation, threats, and risks; consider police powers and agency policy; identify options, determine best ...
Promising Practice: How the Burlington, NC Police Department …
The Camden County, NJ Police Department was one of the first agencies to integrate the Critical Decision-Making Model (CDM) into its policies, procedures, and training. Other agencies have followed suit. The Burlington, NC Police Department customized the CDM for its agency. Here are five ways the department is using the CDM: Remedial Training:
ICAT Training Guide Materials - Police Executive Research Forum
Module 2: Critical Decision-Making Model (CDM). This module discusses the importance of critical thinking and decision-making for officers responding to the types of incidents that are the focus of this Training Guide.
CRT Helpful Resources - Police Executive Research Forum
2018年4月3日 · Integrating Communications, Assessment, and Tactics (ICAT) - Module 2: The Critical Decision-Making Model (CDM) PERF first developed its ICAT training in 2016. A crucial component of this training is the CDM, which provides a process for how law enforcement personnel can efficiently make sensible decisions during high-pressure situations.
CriticalIssuesJune15 - Police Executive Research Forum
2020年6月15日 · In 2015, PERF issued a report calling for a much different, more sophisticated approach to use of force developed in the United Kingdom, called the National Decision Model, which PERF adapted and renamed the Critical Decision-Making Model (CDM). This model gives police officers much more credit for being able to assess dozens of factors in a ...
How to Use ICAT - Police Executive Research Forum
Module 2: Critical Decision-Making Model (CDM). This module discusses the importance of critical thinking and decision-making for officers responding to the types of incidents that are the focus of ICAT. It presents the Critical Decision-Making Model as a training and operational tool for agencies to structure and support officers’ decision ...
Decision-Making Model. POLIta Collect information. Act, review, and re-assess. Ethics Values Proportionality
15. Officers should be trained to use a Critical Decision-Making Model. As mentioned in Recommendation 5 in the Policy section of this document, agencies should train officers to use a decision-making framework during critical incidents and other tactical situations. The CDM provides a framework for going beyond the minimum standard of