Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind (CE3) - UFO EVIDENCE
2003年8月11日 · They fled in terror when strange creatures came toward them, walking like stiff robots surrounded by smoke or steam vapor. The Center for UFO Studies, directed by J. Allen Hynek, considered this to be one of only three credible humanoid encounter cases …
Close encounter - Wikipedia
In ufology, a close encounter is an event in which a person witnesses an unidentified flying object (UFO) at relatively close range, where the possibility of mis-identification is presumably greatly reduced.
Close Encounters of the Third Kind - Center for UFO Studies
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (CE3) are sightings where an entity of some type, whatever the appearance, was seen inside or near a UFO. Unlike the assorted blobs, triffids, and alien brains that populate science fiction films, the creatures that are asociated with UFOs are often humanoid in appearance and dressed in closely fitted coveralls.
ufo - UFOS at close sight: URECAT-000187 - December 4, 1979, …
2011年10月16日 · Ufologist Tor Wiklund investigated in 1980 or 1979 on a close encounter of the third kind of December 4, 1979, in Vastervik, Sweden, at 01:00 a.m. Lilli-Ann Karlsson was taking an early morning walk in the Brevik Hills recreation area, when she was suddenly paralyzed and saw that there was a luminous object hovering above the ground ahead of her.
2024年9月17日 · Sightings of a UFO within 500 feet where occupants or entities are observed. Witnesses report seeing humanoid or alien beings associated with the UFO.
ufo - UFOS at close sight: CE3, close encounters of the third kind
2007年9月2日 · In the well-known UFO classification proposed by Dr. J. Allen Hynek, astronomer and USAF UFO consultant, a close encounter of the third kind is a meeting between human beings and beings likely to be not from this earth, in association with a UFO observation. Here is information on such events.
ufo - UFOs at close sight: CE3 in Cincinatti, Ohio, USA, October 2, …
Mrs Everett Steward was talking on the telephone when she smelled a foul odor in the room. She went to her bedroom, where she had a feeling of being watched. Looking out the window, she saw an oval shaped object with portholes & red, green, & white lights revolving around it. It was 75 ft in diameter & 100 ft up.
Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind (CE3) - UFO EVIDENCE
Just before dark on September 12, 1952, at Flatwoods, WV, some young school boys saw a fiery UFO streak across the sky and apparently land on a nearby hilltop. Rushing to the site, and gathering a few others along the way, they saw a pulsating red light, encountered a nauseating mist, and turned a flashlight on a pair of shining eyes, revealing ...
The 1954 Cennina Landing and Encounter with Humanoids - UFO …
NOVEMBER I, 1954, is a date that marks the occurrence of one of the most extraordinary UFO landing and contact cases ever recorded (it has already been quoted by Vallee as No. 24 in his Century of Landings). Cennina is a small town near Biicine, in the Province of Arezzo.
Close Encounters: Classifying UFO Experiences | by The …
2024年2月3日 · Close Encounters of the Third Kind (CE3) involve contact with extraterrestrial beings themselves. It’s like inviting E.T. for a cosmic cup of tea. Take the story of Antonio Villas Boas, a...