CFC Youth for Christ - Young People Being and Bringing Christ …
Young people being and bringing Christ wherever they are. Young, Christian, Happy Catholic youth in the world. CFC Youth for Christ.
ABOUT US - CFC Youth for Christ
CFC Youth for Christ, in support of CFC as one of its family ministries, created the YFC Community Based program to simultaneously evangelize the youth in a specific community while CFC does the same with parents.
CFC Youth for Christ Global Data System v3.0
The CFC Youth for Christ Global Data System is a platform for managing and accessing member information and activity data.
Youth – Couples For Christ USA
2020年9月30日 · CFC Youth for Christ (YFC) is a family ministry of Couples for Christ (CFC), a Catholic charismatic community and family life movement. It owes its existence, identity, mission and vision to CFC as it exists as a partner in evangelizing the young.
Programs - CFC Youth for Christ
The ministry of Youth for Christ is empowered through its programs where it teaches the young to respond to its vision, “Young people being and bringing Christ wherever we are”. These programs are equipped with good values and teachings for evangelization and …
Youth for Christ is guided by the principle of 4F’s: Fun, Friendship, Faith, Freedom FUN: Being young means having fun. YFC promotes and supports the dynamism of theyouth’s thirst to enjoy life by empowering them to live it to the fullest. YFC encouragesfun—good, clean fun. FRIENDSHIP: This is the time of their lives when the youth begin to …
CFC Youth for Christ - Youth Camp Manual - Blogger
The entry point to the Youth for Christ (YFC), the Young Adults Program of the Couples for Christ (CFC), is the Youth Camp. It is a three-day live-in camp usually conducted during the summer or semester break to officially bring teenagers and/or young adults into YFC.
4 F’s of YFC - CFC-Youth For Christ Capiz
These principles guide the Youth for Christ of what is really their goals, it is to promote: FUN As a youth there is always FUN in every thing that we do. YFC activities always promote GOOD and CL…
YFC 7 Identities - CFC Youth for Christ
YFC 7 Identities As Youth for Christ, we are being called to be and bring Christ wherever we are. This is our identity. To build oneness and commonness
Homebound – CFC-Youth for Christ Canada
This year’s Regional Youth Conference will be my 6th one and my heart can barely contain its excitement! The theme, Journey, immediately brought me into a state of reflection where the Lord revealed to me three things: In our personal journeys, Jesus meets us where we are at and calls us to something greater. In last Sunday’s Gospel (Luke 24:13-35), …
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