StemMACS™ HSC-CFU Assay Kit, human | Miltenyi Biotec | USA
The StemMACS HSC-CFU Assay Kit offers a highly standardized method for analyzing hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. The kit combines differentiation in methylcellulose-free cell culture with a standardized, flow cytometry-based read-out and eliminates the need for user-dependent, visual scoring under a microscope.
MegaCult™-C Staining Kit for CFU-Mk /CFU-MK染色试剂盒
MegaCult-C染色试剂盒包含用于胶原培养基中CFU-Mk固定、脱水和染色检测CFU-Mk集落所需的所有试剂。 用抗人CD41抗体和碱性磷酸酶检测系统对表达糖蛋白IIb / IIIa的巨核细胞和血小板进行染色。
CFU 检测中造血祖细胞的培养与分析 - 丁香通
2019年4月28日 · cfu(集落形成单位)检测是对造血干细胞与祖细胞(hspcs)分析最为广泛使用的方法之一。cfu 检测可以量化一个样品中个别细胞的增殖以及分化能力。这些细胞的潜能可以通过观察由每个接种的祖细胞所产生的集落(更多分化的细胞所组成)来衡量。
MegaCult™-C Complete Kit with Cytokines - STEMCELL
MegaCult™-C Complete Kit with Cytokines includes all reagents required for the optimal growth of megakaryocyte progenitors (CFU-Mk) within double chamber slides and for the detection of CFU-Mk colonies by immunocytochemical staining.
StemMACS™ HSC-CFU Media, human | Miltenyi Biotec | USA
StemMACS HSC-CFU media are designed to maximize growth and differentiation of progenitor cells and allow the clonal progeny of a single cell to grow in a distinct cluster or colony. They are produced under tightly controlled manufacturing conditions and use highly qualified raw materials to provide a consistent and optimally performing colony ...
MegaCult™-C Complete Kit Without Cytokines_产品中心_君合天晟
MegaCult™-C Complete Kit Without Cytokines includes all reagents (except cytokines) required for colony-forming unit (CFU) assays of megakaryocyte progenitor cells (CFU-Mk) in a collagen-based culture medium, including the detection of human CFU-Mk colonies by immunocytochemical staining.
含有细胞因子的 MegaCult™-C 完整试剂盒 - aalbio.com
MegaCult™-C Complete Kit with Cytokines 包括在双室载玻片中优化巨核细胞祖细胞 (CFU-Mk) 生长和通过免疫细胞化学染色检测 CFU-Mk 集落所需的所有试剂。 MegaCult™-C 培养基针对 CFU-Mk 在人骨髓、动员的外周血和脐带血样本中的生长进行了优化。
MegaCult™-C Complete Kit with Cytokines_产品中心_君合天晟
MegaCult™-C medium is optimized for the growth of CFU-Mk in human bone marrow, mobilized peripheral blood and cord blood samples. It is suitable for use with CD34+-enriched cells, mononuclear cells and cells isolated by other purification methods.
CFU Field Test E. coli| Aquagenx
Rapid E. coli water quality field test quantifies Colony Forming Units (CFU) in 100 mL sample without complicated membrane filtration equipment.
小鼠造血干细胞集落(CFU)鉴定 - nwbiotec.com
CFU-GEM是一种多潜能的祖细胞,需要EPO和两种或更多的细胞因子来支持击落的生长以及形成集落内特定谱系子细胞的生长和分化。 由于它们的原始性质,CFU-GEMM倾向于产生大量的>500个细胞的大型集落,其中含有红细胞和可识别的至少两种其它谱系细胞。 来自CFU-GEMM的集落有一个高度密集的核,核和周围细胞之间的边界不清楚。 集落周围可见红细胞簇。 单核细胞和粒细胞细胞 (CFU-GM)易于识别,通常可见大的巨核细胞簇。 图片 请参阅照片11和12。 …