i-STAT CG8+ Test Cartridge - Abbott Point of Care
With i-STAT CG8+, healthcare professionals can obtain blood gases, glucose, chemistries, hematocrit and hemoglobin levels in approximately two minutes without leaving the patient’s side.
雅培血气生化八项测试卡片CG8 - jishengyiliao.com
卡片型号CG4+ :用于定量检测人全血样本中的如下检测项目:pH、PO2、PCO2、Lactate。 型号规格:卡片型号:6+、G3+、EC8+、EG7+、CG4+、Crea,25卡片/盒。 产品储存条件及有效期:2~8℃保存,有效期:G3+、EG7+、CG4+:242天;6+:270天;EC8+:213天;Crea:180天。
i-STAT CG4+ Cartridge - Abbott Point of Care
The i-STAT CG4+ cartridge with the i-STAT 1 System is intended for use in the in vitro quantification of pH, PO 2, PCO 2, and lactate in arterial or venous whole blood in point of care or clinical laboratory settings. pH, PO 2 and PCO 2 measurements are used in the diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of respiratory disturbances and metabolic ...
2018年4月1日 · The CG4+ cartridge detects lactate and several blood gases, whereas the CHEM8+ cartridge detects a number of blood electrolytes, haematocrit, haemoglobin and total CO2. Five studies used the CG4+ cartridge; of these only 1 assessed diagnostic test accuracy.
The i-STAT CG8+ cartridge with the i-STAT 1 System is intended for use in the in vitro quantification of sodium, potassium, ionized Calcium, glucose, hematocrit, pH, oxygen partial pressure, and carbon dioxide partial pressurein arte rial, venous or capillary whole blood.
Technology overview | i STAT CG4+ and CHEM8+ cartridges for …
2015年9月9日 · The focus of this briefing is the intended use of the CG4+ and CHEM8+ cartridges in the ED setting to aid the diagnosis or exclusion of numerous potentially serious diseases and clinical conditions. The CG4+ cartridge is used for the measurement of blood gases and lactate that are indicative of the following conditions:
i STAT CG4+ and CHEM8+ cartridges for point-of-care testing …
2015年9月9日 · The CG4+ cartridge detects lactate and several blood gases, whereas the CHEM8+ cartridge detects a number of blood electrolytes, haematocrit, haemoglobin and total CO 2. Five studies used the CG4+ cartridge; of these only 1 assessed diagnostic test accuracy.
血气生化八项测试卡片(干式电化学法)详细说明书-注意事项-不良反 …
用于临床实验室对全血中的Na、K、iCa、Glu、Hct、pH、PCO2、PO2、TCO2*、HCO3*、Base Excess*、sO2*、Hb* (带*为计算值)成分定量检测。
雅培血气生化八项测试卡片CG8 - app17.com
2025年3月5日 · 卡片型号CG4+ :用于定量检测人全血样本中的如下检测项目:pH、PO2、PCO2、Lactate。 型号规格:卡片型号:6+、G3+、EC8+、EG7+、CG4+、Crea,25卡片/盒。 产品储存条件及有效期:2~8℃保存,有效期:G3+、EG7+、CG4+:242天;6+:270天;EC8+:213天;Crea:180天。
Abbott i-STAT CHEM 8 CG4 Cartridges Recall Replacement …
Nova has FDA-cleared and cost effective options to meet your i-STAT replacement needs including configurations that cover the CHEM8+ and CG4+ cartridge menus. Replacing CHEM8+ or CG4+? Choose Prime Plus