CGI-58: Versatile Regulator of Intracellular Lipid Droplet
Comparative gene identification-58 (CGI-58), also known as α/β-hydrolase domain-containing 5 (ABHD5), is a member of a large family of proteins containing an α/β-hydrolase-fold. CGI-58 is well-known as the co-activator of adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL), which is a key enzyme initiating cytosolic …
Recent insights into the structure and function of CGI-58 - PMC
CGI-58 is now established to act as regulator of lipolysis in multiple tissues affecting both TG and PL metabolism. The function of CGI-58 as co-activator of ATGL provides an excellent rationale for some (e.g. systemic lipid accumulation), but not all (e.g. skin defect, mental retardation) phenotypic manifestations in NLSD-I patients.
PNPLA3, CGI-58, and Inhibition of Hepatic Triglyceride ... - PubMed
We tested the hypothesis that PNPLA3 interferes with ATGL activity by interacting with its cofactor, comparative gene identification-58 (CGI-58). Evidence supporting such an interaction came from two findings. First, co-expression of PNPLA3 and CGI-58 resulted in LD depletion in cultured cells, but expression of PNPLA3 alone did not.
揭示脂肪甘油三酯脂肪酶 (ATGL) 中的关键残基与比较基因鉴定 58 (CGI-58…
脂肪甘油三酯脂肪酶 (ATGL) 在细胞内脂肪分解中起关键作用,可在与蛋白质比较基因鉴定 58 (CGI-58) 相互作用时被共激活。 CGI-58 刺激 ATGL 的潜在分子机制尚不完全清楚。 基于对进化保守性的分析,我们使用定点诱变来研究 C 末端截短变体和全长小鼠 ATGL,从而深入了解每个残基水平上的蛋白质共激活。 我们从 ATGL 中的残基 N209-N215 中鉴定出该区域对 CGI-58 的共激活至关重要。 在该区域进行氨基酸交换的 ATGL 变体仍然能够在基础水平水解三酰基甘油 …
CGI-58在动物脂类代谢中的作用 - chinagene.cn
CGI-58(Comparative gene identification-58)分布在LDs表面, 属于α/β水解酶折叠家族, 是脂肪甘油三酯脂肪酶(Adipose triglyceride lipase, ATGL)和依赖酰基辅酶A溶血磷脂酸酰基转移酶(Lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase, LPAAT)的激活剂。在脂肪分解过程中, CGI-58结合PAT蛋白家族成员之一的脂 ...
Structure of a CGI-58 Motif Provides the Molecular Basis of Lipid ...
2015年10月10日 · Comparative gene identification-58 (CGI-58) stimulates the enzymatic activity of adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL), which catalyzes the hydrolysis of TGs to diacylglycerols and free fatty acids.
CGI-58/ABHD5-Derived Signaling Lipids Regulate Systemic …
Our findings show that CGI-58 is a novel source of signaling lipids that links inflammation to TAG and glucose metabolism. Male C57BL/6N mice (Harlan) were maintained on standard rodent chow or a high-fat diet (HFD) for a period of 4–10 weeks and simultaneously injected with ASOs targeting knockdown (KD) of CGI-58, as previously described (2).
CGI-58/ABHD5-derived signaling lipids regulate systemic
Mutations of comparative gene identification 58 (CGI-58) in humans cause Chanarin-Dorfman syndrome, a rare autosomal recessive disease in which excess triacylglycerol (TAG) accumulates in multiple tissues. CGI-58 recently has been ascribed …
ATGL、CGI-58及其对脂肪水解的作用 - 维普期刊官网
CGI-58是带有α/β水解结构域的酶类,在体外它本身并不具有脂肪酶的活性,但它可以激活ATGL,使ATGL水解脂肪的活性大幅度提高。 ATGL和CGI-58的发现,对脂肪水解的传统理论提出了挑战,为体内甘油三酯的水解过程提供了新的认识。
CGI-58, the Causative Gene for Chanarin-Dorfman Syndrome, …
2008年9月5日 · cgi-58 (c omparative g ene i dentification-58) is a member of α/β-hydrolase family of proteins. Mutations in CGI-58 are shown to be responsible for a rare genetic disorder known as Chanarin-Dorfman syndrome, characterized by an excessive accumulation of triacylglycerol in several tissues and ichthyosis.