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CGTN - YouTube
China Global Television Network, or CGTN, is an international media organization launched on December 31, 2016. It aims to provide global audiences with accu...
TV - Watch CGTN Live | CGTN
Focuses on China’s politics and governance, the CPC’s rule, and other sensitive China issues. The weekly program targets China watchers, experts, and policymakers globally by telling China’s inside, complex story through intimate, informed discussions with China’s thought leaders and decision makers, many of whom do not appear in foreign media.
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Watch: Is Chinese wisdom the key for a better global governance?
CGTN America - Global breaking news. Video and live events.
After a heated exchange between Donald Trump and Ukraine's Volodmyr Zelenskyy on Feb. 28, and a pause in US aid to Ukraine, what's next? What now for Zelenskyy and Trump? 25% tariffs are being imposed on Canadian goods and retaliatory tariffs are likely. What's next?
Americas Now - Watch CGTN Now
Join us in uncovering the untold tales that influence our collective future in "Americas Now." Discover the richness, variety, and vitality of the Americas in a whole new way. Every story is a journey, and every journey is an adventure.
它们在做什么?盘点CGT创新链上的64家头部机构 - Pharmcube
针对cgt领域慢病毒载体生产的一系列难题,深研生物创新性开发了基于稳定生产细胞株大规模生产慢病毒载体的 eulv ® 系统,一举突破世界性技术难题,是世界上第一个商业化无需质粒瞬时转染的慢病毒载体生产系统,为中国细胞基因治疗行业领先世界助力。
CGT Asia 2025 第八届细胞与基因治疗创新峰会明年四月盛大召开!
2024年10月24日 · 近年来,细胞与基因治疗 (CGT)的全球发展形势呈现出积极的增长态势,据 ASCGT 数据,全球 3633 项 CGT 临床试验中,2024项为基因治疗管线,803 项为不涉及基因编辑的细胞治疗管线。 中国也不遑多让,推动进行了 726 项试验。 从全球 CGT在研药物适应症分布来看,肿瘤和罕见病药物位居前列。 据市场研究机构测算,2016-2020 年,全球基因与细胞治疗市场规模年复合增长率达 153.3%,预计到 2025 年,市场规模有望达到 305.39 亿美元。 近些 …