O-Rings – Kubo
Kubo offers a wide range of standard O-rings in all common materials and dimensions. You want to order standard O-rings easily and quickly? Visit our online shop. FFPM O-RINGS. PROLAST-O® FFPM HIGH PERFORMANCE SEALS. In Effretikon, KUBO produces seals made of FFPM/FFKM Prolast-O ® for the highest requirements.
O形圈 | 中国
O 形圈是横截面为圆形的环形密封元件,主要用在静态密封中。 尺寸由内径和横截面直径确定。 我们的 O 形圈符合 568B英制标准、及 DIN ISO 3601 和 JIS 等公制标准。 客户可以定制任何尺寸的非标 O 形圈,例如:迷你 O 形圈以及大尺寸连续模压以及无接缝拼接O 形圈。
The Parker O-Ring Handbook has been a standard reference work used by seal designers for decades. It contains comprehensive information about the prop-erties of the most important sealing elastomers, typi-cal O-ring application examples, examples of statically acting seal designs plus descriptions of conditions that may lead to O-Ring failure.
适用于固定用、往复运动用、旋转用于任何部位。 规格材质多样,经济效益好,规格4000多种。 O形圈的规格以内径和厚度为基准定义(mm or inch) 패킹용 고무O-Ring 패킹용 고무O-Ring 02Characteristics 特点
NBR-NBR|科騰密封股份有限公司 - O-RING
抗油脂是最重要的表面效果,產品抗油脂性弱,但有足夠大的體積時,並不會因暴露在油脂中而降低等級。 此O-RING是丁二烯及丙烯的協聚合物,最初是製作抗石油.汽油之類的產品。 對於芳烴類化學品的抵抗比新二烯好但略差於多硫化物。 橡膠有非常好的抗礦物油及抗蔬菜油的特性。
Neoprene O-Rings | UV Resistant Chloroprene Rubber Seals
Neoprene O-rings (also referred to as chloroprene O-rings or CR O-rings) provide good resistance for UV, oxygen, and weather applications. Neoprene O-rings are commonly used in the refrigeration industry due to their excellent resistance to ammonia and Freon.
O-Ringe | Beste Industriequalität für zuverlässige ... - reaflon-ch
Unsere O-Ringe zeichnen sich durch ihre erstklassige Abdichtungsfähigkeit aus. Egal, ob es sich um hydraulische Systeme, Lebensmittelanlagen, Wasser- oder Gasleitungen handelt – unser grosszügiges O-Ringe - Sortiment bieten Ihnen eine Fülle an Lösungen, um Leckagen zu verhindern und Ihre Anlagen vor Schäden zu bewahren.
Sonnax O-Ring – CH-O-8V
Use the Sonnax o-ring CH-O-8V with Chrysler 45RFE, 545RFE, 66RFE, 68RFE, 68RFE Multi-Plate Performance Converter; and Honda Miscellaneous (M3WC CVT).
O-rings | NT K+D AG - Diversity and precision in sealing technology
O-Rings are used in a wide variety of applications and are one of the core products of today`s sealing technology. The choice of the right material and size can make the difference whether a system is running smoothly for a prolonged duration or forced to stop for maintenance.
O-Rings / Shaft Seals - Distrelec Switzerland
Distrelec Switzerland stocks a wide range of O-Rings / Shaft Seals. Next Day Delivery Available, Friendly Expert Advice & Over 180,000 products in stock.
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