Hyperbolic functions - Wikipedia
In mathematics, hyperbolic functions are analogues of the ordinary trigonometric functions, but defined using the hyperbola rather than the circle. Just as the points (cos t, sin t) form a circle with a unit radius, the points (cosh t, sinh t) form the right half of the unit hyperbola.
ch (x) - Wolfram|Alpha
Compute answers using Wolfram's breakthrough technology & knowledgebase, relied on by millions of students & professionals. For math, science, nutrition, history, geography, engineering, mathematics, linguistics, sports, finance, music…
双曲正弦、双曲余弦、双曲正切基础知识整理 - 知乎
双曲余弦 ch\ x = \frac {e^ {x} + e^ {-x}} {2} 双曲正切 th\ x = \frac {sh\ x} {ch\ x}=\frac {e^ {x} - e^ {-x}} {e^ {x} + e^ {-x}} sh (x+y)=shxchy + chxshy. sh (x-y) = shxchy - chxshy. ch (x+y) = chxchy + shxshy. ch (x-y) = chxchy - shxshy. ch\ x^ {2}-sh\ x^ {2} =1. sh\ 2x=2shxchx. ch\ 2x=ch\ x^ {2} + sh\ x^ {2} 部分性质推导.
Гиперболические функции - sh, ch, th, cth, sech, csch
ch x - ch y = 2 sh ½ (x + y) sh ½ (x - y)
Calculator ch online - Calculation ch - derivative - Solumaths
To calculate the hyperbolic cosine of a number, just enter the number and apply the ch function. For calculating the hyperbolic cosine of the next number 0, enter ch (0) or directly 0, if the button ch appears already, the result 1 is returned. The derivative of …
Fourier analysis notation - Sh and Ch - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2015年6月21日 · ch(x) = cosh(x) = ex +e−x 2 ↔ cos(x) = eix +e−ix 2, ch (x) = cosh (x) = e x + e − x 2 ↔ cos (x) = e i x + e − i x 2,
高数 | 定理及性质证明 | chx和shx分别是什么 - CSDN博客
2023年10月22日 · shx叫做双曲正弦函数,shx= [e^x-e^ (-x)]/2.chx叫做双曲余弦函数chx= [e^x+e^ (-x)]/2.这个很少用的,属于不常考内容。 这两个函数都属于双曲函数。
求解 ch (x)-1 | Microsoft Math Solver
Find the first-variational curve which corresponds to the functional \int_ {-1}^1 t^2 \dot {x}^2 dt when x (-1) = -1 and x (1) = 1.
数学中sh x和ch x分别代表什么意思? - 百度知道
2014年12月3日 · 数学中sh x和ch x分别代表什么意思? 双曲函数: ch x = (e^x + e^ (-x)) / 2,sh x = (e^x - e^ (-x)) / 2 . ch x 是偶函数,sh x 是奇函数,而且 (ch x) ' = sh x, (sh x) '= ch x .
Etude des fonctions hyperboliques (ch, sh, th et leurs ... - Méthode Maths
La fonction ch. La fonction cosinus hyperbolique, notée ch, est définie sur par la relation suivante : c h (x) = e x + e − x 2. Cette fonction est bien définie sur puisque la fonction exponentielle l’est également. L’expression doit te rappeler la formule d’Euler, selon laquelle : c o s (x) = e i x + e − i x 2. On a ainsi : c h (i x) = c o s (x)