Explore CIA Headquarters - CIA - The World Factbook
Located in Langley, Virginia, CIA Headquarters includes the Original Headquarters Building, the New Headquarters Building, and the Grounds. Since 1961, this secure campus has been considered “home” to thousands of dedicated women and men who work at CIA.
New Headquarters Building - CIA - The World Factbook
The New Headquarters Building is linked to the OHB building in a seamless blend of the two structures. The main entrance to NHB is on the fourth floor. Inside the entrance, one is greeted by a huge skylight ceiling and, at the end of the entry corridor, a spectacular view of the OHB.
The World of the CIA - The World Factbook
A portfolio of photos showing the George Bush Center for Intelligence and its environs (aka CIA headquarters), the home of The World Factbook. To view more photos of the CIA compound, visit CIA Sites to See and Explore CIA Headquarters.
Courtyard - CIA - The World Factbook
It provides a pleasant transition from the modern, glass-enclosed New Headquarters Building to the traditional architecture of the Original Headquarters Building. With its broad grassy lawn, fishpond and flowering plants and trees, the courtyard …
Headquarters Building Booklet - CIA - The World Factbook
CIA was originally headquartered in the Foggy Bottom area of Washington, D.C. Then-Director of Central Intelligence Allen Dulles wanted a more secure, secluded environment with a college campus-like setting, as well as room for expansion.
Organization - CIA - The World Factbook
CIA is an independent agency responsible for providing national security intelligence to senior US policymakers. The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (D/CIA) is nominated by the president with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Director manages the operations, personnel, and budget of the Central Intelligence Agency.
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Approved For Rele -002000100010034-9 Control, No. 4272 EIC-M- 117 3 October 1966 ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting Held in Room 4 F 21, CIA Headquarters Building 1015 hours, 3 October 1966 25X1A9a PRESENT: 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A9a CIA, Chairman Dr. Milton Kovner, Department of …
MINUTES OF MEETING HELD IN ROOM 4 F 31, CIA HEADQUARTERS BUILDING 1400 HOURS, 30 JUNE 1965 Subject: ... Department of the Interior CIA CIA CIA CIA, Executive Secretary The Chairman introduced Mr. Pomeranz, Department of the Interior representative; Dr, Kilmarx, recently designated Department of the Air Force representative to the Committee; and ...