SarPy - GitHub
2021年11月30日 · SarPy is a basic Python library to read, write, and do simple processing of complex SAR data using the NGA SICD format (standards linked below). It has been released by NGA to encourage the use of SAR data standards throughout the international SAR community.
Welcome to sarpy’s documentation! — sarpy 1.3.60 documentation
Contents: Important changes in version 1.3.0. Subpackage restructuring; Reading changes; Writing changes; Examples. Basic First Example - Complex Image. Learning Python
SICD reading/writing objects (sarpy.io.complex.sicd)
sarpy.io.complex.sicd. is_a (file_name: str | BinaryIO) → SICDReader | None ¶ Tests whether a given file_name corresponds to a SICD file, and returns a reader instance, if so. Parameters :
SarPy 项目教程 - CSDN博客
2024年9月14日 · 萨皮 SarPy是使用NGA 格式读取,写入,显示和简单处理复杂SAR数据的基本Python库。 NGA已发布该指南,以鼓励在整个国际SAR社区中使用SAR数据标准。 SarPy是库(C ++)和补充,后者以其他语言实现,但目标相似。 在可以找到一些样本SICD文件。
Image/Data Reading — sarpy 1.3.60 documentation - Read the …
In sarpy, the readers for different image types are generally implemented in one of the subpackages: sarpy.io.complex - for complex images directly analogous to SICD format. sarpy.io.product - for standard image derived products like SIDD and WBID. sarpy.io.phase_history - for CPHD images/data. sarpy.io.received - for CRSD images/data
sarpy - 用于读取、写入和简单处理复杂 SAR 数据和其他相关数据 …
2022年4月25日 · SarPy 是一个基本的 Python 库,用于使用 NGA SICD 格式(标准链接如下)读取、写入和对复杂的 SAR 数据进行简单处理。它由 NGA 发布,以鼓励在整个国际 SAR 社区使用 SAR 数据标准。
SARpy for SAR analysis - SourceForge
SARpy (SAR in python) is a new ad hoc approach to automatically generate SAR models by finding the relevant rules from data, without any a priori knowledge. The algorithm generates substructures of arbitrary complexity, and automatically selects the fragments to become SAs on the basis of their prediction performance on a training set.
The SARpy tool allows you to work with datasets containing molecules with their respective properties; it is possible to load and manage a dataset, either for using it as training set to generate models, or as test set to validate models, or as a collection of untested molecules
sarpy/README.md at master · ngageoint/sarpy · GitHub
2021年11月30日 · SarPy is a basic Python library to read, write, and do simple processing of complex SAR data using the NGA SICD format (standards linked below). It has been released by NGA to encourage the use of SAR data standards throughout the international SAR community.
SarPy 开源项目教程 - CSDN博客
2024年9月14日 · SarPy 是一个基本的 Python 库,用于读取、写入和简单处理复杂的合成孔径雷达(SAR)数据,使用的是美国国家地理空间情报局(NGA)的 SICD 格式。 该项目由 NGA 发布,旨在鼓励国际 SAR 社区使用 SAR 数据标准。 SarPy 补充了 SIX 库(C++)和 MATLAB SAR 工具箱,这些工具在其他语言中实现,但具有类似的目标。 读取和写入 SICD 格式数据:支持读取和写入 SICD(Sensor Independent Complex Data)格式的数据。 处理复杂 SAR 数据:提供 …
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