Access Coverage Policies - Cigna Healthcare
Learn more about our prior authorization procedures. Cigna Healthcare coverage policies are tools to assist in interpreting standard health coverage plan provisions. Find out how to access these coverage policies.
Cigna Healthcare | Health Insurance, Dental Plans & Medicare
Learn about the medical, dental, pharmacy, behavioral, and voluntary benefits your employer may offer. myCigna is the go-to resource for your personalized programs, details of your coverages and claims, and 24/7 on-demand care and assistance. With the mobile app, your plan goes everywhere you go. Log in today.
CHCP - Resources - Reimbursement and Modifier Policies - Commercial - Cigna
Document Title Document Type Document Size Effective Date; A: Advanced Notification - Evaluation and Management Services - (R30) PDF: 284kB: 06/01/2025: Advanced Notification - Modifier - Bilateral Procedures - (M50)
Cigna Health Care Provider Directory
Find a doctor, dentist, or facility in Cigna's Health Care Provider Directory.
Prior Authorizations & Precertifications | Cigna Healthcare
Depending on a patient's plan, you may be required to request a prior authorization or precertification for any number of prescriptions or services. A full list of CPT codes are available on the CignaforHCP portal.
Plan Documents - Cigna Healthcare
Details of medical and dental plans, past and present. Activate your myCigna account for access to all plan details and live, 24/7 support. This resource contains Policy/Service Agreements, Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC), and Outlines of Coverage (OOC), as applicable to our medical and dental plans.
Echocardiography is the most frequently employed cardiac imaging test for evaluation of cardiovascular disease related to a structural, functional or hemodynamic abnormality of the heart or great vessels.
Nucleic acid testing works by finding parts of their gene material called DNA and RNA in the human body. Results of the tests can help decide how to treat the infection. This Policy discusses testing for the DNA and/or RNA of several infection-causing bacteria, viruses and fungus that cause sexually transmitted diseases (STD).
Coverage Policies are intended to provide guidance in interpreting certain standard benefit plans administered by Cigna Companies.
Registered users of the Cigna for Health Care Professionals website (CignaforHCP.com) have the ability to obtain benefit detail at the procedure code level. To use this feature, you must have the “patient search” entitlement.