Synthesis and Characterization of CIT-13, a Germanosilicate …
The synthesis of the germanosilicate CIT-13, a molecular sieve that is the first to have a two-dimensional (2D) pore system possessing pores that are bounded by 14- and 10-rings, is accomplished using a family of monoquaternary, benzyl-imidazolium organic structure-directing agents (OSDAs) in aqueous media containing fluoride.
具有大孔开口的锗硅酸盐分子筛CIT-13的合成与表征,Chemistry of …
2016年8月30日 · 锗硅酸盐CIT-13是一种分子筛,它是第一个具有二维(2D)孔隙系统的分子筛,该系统具有以14和10个环为界的孔,该合成过程使用一元季铵盐,苄基含氟化物的水性介质中的咪唑有机结构导向剂(OSDA)。 CIT-13使用氟化氢(HF)或氟化铵(NH 4 F)制备。 结构上的改进表明,大多数Ge原子位于d 4 r(双4环)单元中,并且在这些d 4 r单元的排列中存在构架紊乱。 CIT-13的其他特征,例如29呈现了Si MAS NMR光谱,Ar吸附等温线等,并将其与IM …
Synthesis of Germanosilicate Molecular Sieves from Mono- and Di ...
Additionally, a new molecular sieve denoted CIT-13 is prepared and shown to possess intersecting 14- and 10-membered ring pores, which gives confidence to the soundness of this approach for OSDA construction to yield new multidimensional large pore zeolites. CIT-13 is the first molecular sieve to have this combination of pore sizes.
锗硅酸盐CIT-13的无氟合成及其反Sigma转化形成CIT …
2020年2月19日 · Germanium-containing, extra-large pore molecular sieve CIT-13 is synthesized without the use of fluoride. After the removal of occluded organics, CIT-13 obtained from fluoride-free preparation shows significant differences from …
Transformation of Extra-Large Pore Germanosilicate CIT-13 …
2019年11月6日 · The 14- and 10-membered ring germanosilicate Ge-CIT-13 (*CTH) is transformed into the 14-membered ring germanosilicate Ge-CIT-5 (CFI). The transformation can occur at room temperature but requires the presence of adsorbed water.
Synthesis and Characterization of CIT-13, a ... - ResearchGate
2016年8月18日 · The synthesis of the germanosilicate CIT-13, a molecular sieve that is the first to have a two-dimensional (2D) pore system possessing pores that are bounded by 14- and 10-rings, is...
CIT-13: DO Family - IZA Structure
"Synthesis and characterization of CIT-13, a germanosilicate molecular sieve with extra-large pore openings" Chem. Mater., 28, 6250-6259 (2016)
将碱处理的共生锗硅酸盐CIT-13完全转化为单晶ECNU-21沸石作为 …
通过创造性的实现,将碱处理的共生锗硅酸盐CIT-13转化为具有新颖拓扑结构和高结晶度沸石骨架的单晶高硅化ECNU-21(以华东师范大学命名)沸石。 自上而下的策略涉及由结构退化和重建组成的轻度碱诱导的多步过程。 代替酸处理,在氨水溶液中的水解不仅容易裂解位于CIT-13的层间双四环(D4R)单元内的化学弱的Ge(Si)-O-Ge键,而且裂解了亚稳的Si-O -Si键在其中。 这导致大量去除D4R单元,并在相邻的富含二氧化硅的层上生成了硅烷醇基团,然后在煅烧时冷凝形 …
2022年11月4日 · 11.cit-13(*cth:星号(*)表示在结构中存在晶体学无序),一种拥有14mr和10mr通道的超大孔骨架,是在研究具有苄基侧基的咪唑鎓衍生的化合物作为osda发挥作用的能力的过程期间发现的。
CIT-13: DO Family - america.iza-structure.org
Synthesis and characterization of CIT-13, a germanosilicate molecular sieve with extra-large pore openings Chem. Mater., 28,6250-6259 (2016) | (DMMBI+) 6.6 F 4 | [ Si 108.68 Ge 19.32 O 256 ] DMMBI+ = C 13 H 17 N 2 + = 1,2-dimethyl-3-(3-methylbenzyl)imidazolium ion