CKD 组患者血清肌酐浓度与 血清SCC、CYFRA 21-1 浓度呈正相关(rSCC =0.66,rCYFRA 21-1 =0.25,P <0.05) 。 结论 血清SCC、CYFRA 21-1水平可作为 判 断患者肾功能的 指标。
Impact of chronic kidney disease on serum tumor markers
Multivariate Logistic regression analysis was used to estimate the important variables that caused elevated serum concentrations of these markers in CKD patients. Results: The overall positive rates and serum concentrations of Cyfra21-1, SCC, CEA in CKD group were significantly higher than those in control group. Positive rate and serum ...
Serum tumour markers in patients with chronic kidney disease
It has recently been shown that the concentrations of some tumour markers are higher in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) than in healthy subjects. We analysed the influence of renal function and hemodialysis treatment on the serum levels of CA19-9, CA125, alpha fetoprotein (AFP), CA15.3, CA72.4, CYFRA 21-1, neuron-specific enolase ...
这个肿瘤标志物升高的原因,一般人想不到_学术交流_检验视界_检 …
2023年11月29日 · 鳞状细胞癌抗原(Squamous Cell Careinoma Antigen,SCCA)是一种特异性很好而且是最早用于诊断癌的肿瘤标志物,它是从子宫颈癌转移病灶中提取到的TA-4亚成分鳞状上皮癌抗原,存在于子宫、子宫颈、肺、头颈等 鳞状上皮细胞癌 的细胞浆中,特别在非角化癌的细胞中,含量更丰富。 其浓度随病情的加重而增高,若治疗有效,即下降;若监测过程中再度升高,常提示复发和转移。 这五位患者是恶性疾病吗? 既然,SCC作为一项肿瘤标志物(这个称 …
Impact of chronic kidney disease on serum tumor markers …
2013年1月20日 · The overall positive rates and serum concentrations of Cyfra21-1, SCC, CEA in CKD group were significantly higher than those in control group. Positive rate and serum concentrations of those tumor markers increased as kidney function decreased.
慢性肾脏病对血清肿瘤标志物浓度的影响,Chinese Medical Journal
2024年1月16日 · 结果 CKD组Cyfra21-1、SCC、CEA总体阳性率及血清浓度显着高于对照组。 随着肾功能的降低,这些肿瘤标志物的阳性率和血清浓度升高。 单因素分析和多因素回归分析均显示,这些肿瘤标志物的升高不仅与肾功能有关,还与营养状况有关。 结论 Cyfra21-1、SCC、CEA 的血清浓度受肾功能和营养状况的显着影响。 因此,在临床工作中,可以同时测量肾功能和营养状况指标,以更好地解释这些肿瘤标志物浓度的结果。 中华医学杂志 2013;126 (2):274-279.
Chronic Kidney Disease and Cancer: Inter-Relationships and …
In this narrative review, we present the latest findings on the inter-relationship between CKD and cancer and the underlying molecular mechanisms by searching the literature on Pubmed with key words including CKD, cancer and onco-nephrology and article types including reviews, clinical trials, randomised controlled trials and case reports, etc ...
Full article: Serum tumor markers in chronic kidney disease: as ...
2016年2月24日 · It has recently been shown that concentrations of some tumor markers are higher in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) than in healthy subjects (Table 1). Ideal tumor marker should be positive in patients only if malignancy is present or in progress, correlated with stage and response to treatment, repeatedly detectable, and easily measured.
Renal transplant recipients have elevated frequencies of circulating ...
The use of immunosuppressive drugs in CKD patients and past/current occurrence of SCC in RTRs was associated with significantly increased CD14(Neg)-MDSC frequencies. MDSC enriched from RTRs, when co-cultured with activated NDs T cells significantly suppressed extracellular IL-10 levels and can, when activated with formyl-methionyl-leucyl ...
Systematic Review & Meta-Analysis: SCC in ESRD (N=221 studies) •>90% of studies relied on KDQOL-CF •More than two thirds of dialysis patients report SCC at least some of the time •Cognitive complaints higher in HD (76.4%) vs PD (69.9%) •SCC stable on dialysis but may reduce with KTX •SCC associated with hospitalization,