A global analysis of measurements determining the CKM matrix parameters in the framework of the Standard Model and some of its extensions. The statistical treatment is based on Frequentist statistics and Rfit (Range fit) for the theoretical uncertainties.
[1501.05013] Current status of the Standard Model CKM fit and ...
2015年1月20日 · Abstract: This letter summarises the status of the global fit of the CKM parameters within the Standard Model performed by the CKMfitter group. Special attention is paid to the inputs for the CKM angles $\alpha$ and $\gamma$ and the status of $B_s\to\mu\mu$ and $B_d\to \mu\mu$ decays. We illustrate the current situation for other unitarity ...
The CKMfitter group provides: A global analysis of measurements determining the CKM matrix parameters in the framework of the Standard Model and some of its extensions. Graphical and numerical constraints on CKM matrix elements, predictions on rare K and B meson decays, theoretical parameters, etc.
CKMfitter - CNRS Nucléaire & Particules
The global CKM fit in the large (ρ-bar,η-bar) plane: Constraints in the (ρ-bar,η-bar) plane. The red hashed region of the global combination corresponds to 68% CL.
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Combine all available measurements of CP violation and rare decays in the flavour sector into a global Unitarity Triangle fit; Check the validity of the CKM mechanism in the Standard Model and determine accurately the parameters of the CKM matrix; Look for indirect effects of New Physics and put stringent bounds on relevant New Physics parameters
Current status of the standard model CKM fit and constraints on
2015年4月9日 · This article summarizes the status of the global fit of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) parameters within the Standard Model performed by the CKMfitter group. Special attention is paid to the inputs for the CKM angles α and γ and the status of B s → μ μ and B d → μ μ decays. We illustrate the current situation for other unitarity ...
Recent CKMfitter updates on global fits of the CKM matrix
2023年1月13日 · The CKMfitter group aims at performing global fits of the CKM parameters by combining efforts from both experimental and theoretical sides. This proceeding gives the most updated CKM fit results from the CKMfitter group with inputs till early 2021 (Moriond 2021). Also in *Lichtenberg, D. B. (Ed.), Rosen, S. P. (Ed.):
[1301.5867] Global CKM Fits with the Scan Method - arXiv.org
2013年1月24日 · With this parameterization, we obtain a good fit to the measured branching fractions and \CP asymmetries within the Standard Model {\it ansatz}, with no new physics contributions. This simultaneous fit allows us to determine the correlation between $\alpha$ and $\beta$ as well as between $\gamma$ and $\beta$.
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CKM Fits
CKM matrix fit + Use Frequentist Hypothesis testing to build statistical significance (p-value) functions from which estimates and confidence intervals are obtained; test statistic = Maximum Likelihood Ratio =Δχ 2 .
CKM Fits Valentin Niess 1. Introduction In the Standard Model (SM), the weak charged-current transitions mix quarks of different gen-erations. The mixing amplitudes are described by the 3 by 3 unitary Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix [1]. For three generations of quarks, the CKM matrix is completely dened by only