Futures | U.S. Army
The C2 CFT drives requirements and technology transitions across its 4x Army signature modernization efforts: 1) unified network, 2) common operating environment, 3) joint/coalition ...
CL-CFT PRIORITY EFFORTS “Contested Logistics is the act of planning, executing, and enabling the movement and support of military forces across multiple domains/environments across air, land, sea, space, cyber, and electromagnetic spectrum in a contested environment.” -JCCL Precision Sustainment Water at Point of Need Initiate Entry Gate ...
Contested Logistics (CL) Cross-Functional Team (CFT)
Headquartered at the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama, the Contested Logistics (CL) Cross-Functional Team (CFT) was formed in 2023 to address the need to sustain forces and equipment...
What is the US Army’s new contested logistics team working on?
2023年10月9日 · The CFT will look at applications using artificial intelligence and machine learning to be able to provide precision sustainment, Nelson said.
US Army forms new modernization team to tackle contested …
2023年3月29日 · The CFT will reach an initial operational capability next month and will reside in Huntsville, Alabama, at Redstone Arsenal where it will be nested with Army Materiel Command, which is in charge...
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The Army Futures Command (AFC) Contested Logistics Cross-Functional Team (CL CFT) was formed in 2023 to address the need to sustain forces and equipment quickly on future...
Contested Logistics CFT Coming - AUSA
2023年3月29日 · A new cross-functional team focused on contested logistics is being stood up in Huntsville, Alabama, the commander of Army Futures Command announced March 29 at the Association of the U.S. Army’s Global Force Symposium and Exposition.
Precision Sustainment and Predictive Logistics in USINDOPACOM
2024年7月18日 · Within the precision sustainment portfolio, the Contested Logistics CFT is investigating data-driven capabilities and leveraging artificial intelligence, specifically machine learning, enabling...
Army’s New Contested Logistics CFT Likely To Reach ... - Defense …
2023年8月8日 · The Army’s new Contested Logistics Cross-Functional Team (CFT) is likely to reach full operational capability (FOC) before the end of 2023, a lead Futures Command official said on Tuesday.
Army Futures Command official outlines themes of contested logistics CFT
2023年8月8日 · The Army's new contested logistics cross-functional team will focus roughly on areas such as data-based logistics, autonomous technology and fuel efficiency, an Army Futures Command official said Tuesday.