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We offer nearly 6,000 programs and a breadth of legal programming - including a comprehensive CLE selection - that no other provider can match. Stay current with the latest developments in the law, enhance skills, and maintain legal licenses.
Lawline: Continuing Legal Education | Online CLE Programs
Lawline offers unlimited online Continuing Legal Education courses for attorneys seeking engaging, relevant online CLE and professional growth. Stay compliant and advance your career - signup today!
ABA Continuing Legal Education (ABACLE) - American Bar Association
The American Bar Association provides high-quality continuing legal education covering a wide array of relevant topics designed to meet the needs of legal professionals nationwide. ABA members can fully satisfy their MCLE requirements with …
Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Attorneys Trust – NBI
A national leader in continuing legal education for 40 years. NBI offers a diverse array of high quality accredited CLE courses. Convenient live and OnDemand CLE programming, unlimited CLE subscriptions, CLE bundles, and practice resources.
American Bar Association
The American Bar Association provides high-quality continuing legal education covering a wide array of relevant topics designed to meet the needs of legal professionals nationwide. ABA members can fully satisfy their MCLE requirements with …
Free Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Credits & Online Courses - Clio
Free Continuing Legal Education (CLE) courses are educational programs offered at no cost to help legal professionals stay updated with the latest developments in the law, enhance their skills, and fulfill mandatory state bar requirements.
Continuing Legal Education (CLE) from LexisNexis®
LexisNexis® CLE On-Demand offers a vast selection of expert-led courses spanning practice areas from our own industry leading experts, and partners like American Law Institute, Caron Treatment Centers, and Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education. Access insightful online programs 24/7, whenever and wherever it's most convenient for you.
LexVid | Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Since 2009
LexVid has provided high quality, affordable MCLE since 2009. Our courses cover the latest legal topics and emerging issues, along with the fundamentals you expect to find. Our On-Demand CLE library covers 28 practice areas including hard-to-find Ethics, Elimination of Bias and Competence Issues/Substance Abuse courses.
MCLE | New England: CLE Programs, Webcasts and Publications
Discover special resources and benefits for lawyers admitted within the past five years, designed to help jumpstart your career. Want to be more involved? Support the work of MCLE by joining, volunteering, or giving.
CLE Courses for Attorneys & Law Firms | BARBRI
CLE stands for Continuing Legal Education > CLE is a requirement for lawyers to stay current on legal practices, ethics, and developments. > CLE is also known as mandatory continuing legal education (MCLE) or continuing professional development (CPD). > CLE activities include CLE courses, webinars, workshops, and compliance.