What Is a Cleft Chin? (with pictures) - WiseGEEK
2024年6月4日 · A cleft chin is also called a dimple in the chin, a chin cleft or even less elegantly termed a butt chin. It is a small to large indentation in the chin that is actually genetically determined and is caused by failure of the lower jawbone to completely fuse together at …
Cleft Chin: Causes, Removal, and Implants - Healthline
2018年9月18日 · What is a cleft chin? A cleft chin refers to a chin with a Y-shaped dimple in the middle. It’s usually a genetic trait. Depending on your preference, you may consider cleft chins a sign of...
Cleft Chin: What Is It and How Can You Fix It? - WebMD
2023年5月20日 · Some chins have a dimple or crease, called cleft chin. It may be prominent or barely noticeable, and it appears in men and women equally. It may be referred to as the “butt chin” or "booty...
顎裂 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
顎裂 [1] (英語: Cleft chin )亦稱頦裂、裂下巴或酒窩顎(dimple chin)、屁股下巴 [2] ,是一種常見而具遺傳性的面部特徵,指人們頭部的下頜位置皮膚有酒窩或類近的深窩。
Myths of Human Genetics: Cleft Chin - University of Delaware
Some people have a prominent dimple or crease in the front of the chin, called a cleft chin (or "butt chin"); others do not. This is sometimes said to be controlled by a single gene with two alleles, with cleft chin (C) dominant to smooth chin (S).
What causes cleft chin? - The Tech Interactive
2023年6月8日 · What actually causes cleft chin? When scientists first studied chin shapes in families, they observed that it was very rare for two smooth-chinned parents to have a child with a chin dimple. Children with cleft chins almost always had at least one parent with the trait. 1. From that, they predicted that a single gene determined chin shape.
屁股下巴 - 百度百科
屁股下巴又被称作“美人沟”、“苹果下巴”、“欧米伽下巴”,英文一般叫做“Cleft chin”。 从直观上看,就是下巴中间比正常人多了一条沟,不同的屁股下巴这条沟深浅不同;这条沟把下巴分成了两半,明显点的会变成“ω”形。
The secret behind Chin Dimples: Understanding and Treating Cleft
2024年6月10日 · Chin dimples, or cleft chins, are a fascinating facial feature rooted in genetics. While some individuals may choose to alter their appearance through surgery or Botox, others might embrace their unique look. Understanding the causes and available treatments for chin dimples can help you make an informed decision about your beauty preferences.
Cleft Chin: Genetics and More - 23andMe
What is a cleft chin? This facial feature forms an indentation or dimple in the chin and occurs in both women and men. When your chin is forming, the left and right halves of the lower jaw start out as two bones, then join in infancy. But if you have a cleft chin, your jawbone might still have a little gap in the middle.
What Causes A Cleft Chin? - Health Research Policy
2023年5月31日 · What is a Cleft Chin? A cleft chin is a special facial feature that forms a dimple at tip of the chin. Although considered mostly attractive, this is actually a form of birth defect that occurs during your fetal development. Aside from the depression on the skin, this defect doesn’t really affect the body in any other way.
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