CLF Group Main page
2005年4月15日 · The CLF (Common Loudspeaker Format) Group was formed for the purpose of defining and maintaining a single, open file format that loudspeaker manufacturers could use to supply data to end users in the professional sound and acoustics community.
CLF Viewer
The data can be viewed with the free CLF viewer which you can download. This software will open CLF files and display the data both numerically and graphically. A typical screen capture is shown below. The viewer allows directivity data to be shown as colored 3D balloons, colored 3D spheres, as horizontal and vertical polars or as balloon spectra.
CLF Downloads
2020年3月4日 · Reader/viewer trial, viewer, editor, help files, CLF text-format specification, sample text-format and distribution binary files. The Trial reader/viewer reads, verifies, and …
CLF File - What is a .clf file and how do I open it? - FileInfo.com
2021年10月5日 · A CLF file is an image list created and used by Caesium, a free image compression tool for Windows. It contains a list of images stored on a user's computer (or other storage device), which the user had previously added in Caesium. CLF files specify each listed image's name, file size, resolution, location, and other information.
CLFViewer (free) download Windows version
2024年6月6日 · CLFViewer is an essential tool for anyone dealing with CLF files, especially useful for professionals in the Photo & Graphics field. Developed by CATT, the program falls under the Viewers & Editors subcategory and offers an easy way to open and view CLF files, which are distributed in a secure binary format.
CLF文件和ICC中天线效应的检查 - 后端讨论区 - EETOP 创芯网论坛 …
2011年12月6日 · 你好,我用Astro工具,load进去clf文件, 在Astro里做天线修复,在线DRC检查没问题。 然后将版图转移到Virtuoso中作DRC检查,金属2,3,4层都被检查出了错误(共5层),有一百多个error。 金属的天线比率是600, 请问可能是什么原因呢? 谢谢你。 你好,我已经将cell的clf文件load进了标准单元的MW库,同时,将技术clf文件load进整个设计,出现的问题:Astro工具不报error,但calibre里却报了一百多个error, 请问可能有什么原因呢? 谢谢。 急 …
CLFViewer 1.0 Download (Free) - CLFViewer.exe
CLFViewer is a program that allows you to open and view CLF files distributed in a secure binary format.
CLF 文件,如何打开或转换? | FileDesc.com
文件:example.clf 要打开这个文件,视窗需要知道您想使用什么应用程序去打开它,视窗可以自动去网上搜寻需要的应用程序或您可以从您的电脑上手动选择已安装了的应用程序列表。
Antenna CLF file是什么文件?作用是什么? - 微波EDA网
milkway 做view的时候load一下clf 就可以标记进去port的 antenna info. Milkyway中专门有一步是读入clf文件的。
What is the Common Loudspeaker File Format (CLF)?
2010年3月6日 · The Common Loudspeaker File Format provides well-defined loudspeaker specifications and platform-independent data for acoustics modeling software applications. Sound system designers need a base-line set of loudspeaker specifications to locate suitable loudspeakers for their projects.