Cooling load temperature difference calculation method
The cooling load temperature difference (CLTD) calculation method, also called the cooling load factor (CLF) or solar cooling load factor (SCL) method, is a method of estimating the cooling load or heating load of a building. It was introduced in the 1979 ASHRAE handbook.
This paper describes a thorough revision of the cooling load temperature difference /cooling load factor (CLTD/CLF) method. The major revisions made to the original CLTD/CLF method are: 1.
数据中心四大能效指标-技术解读-易信科技-20年IDC服务商-绿色智 …
2021年3月17日 · 制冷/供电负载系数分别是CLF (Cooling Load Factor,制冷负载系数)和PLF (Power Load Factor,供电负载系数)。 CLF定义为数据中心中制冷设备耗电与IT设备耗电的比值;PLF定义为数据中心中供配电系统耗电与IT设备耗电的比值。 CLF和PLF可以看做PUE的补充和深化,通过分别计算这两个指标,可以进一步深入分析制冷系统和供配电系统的能源效率。 三、 pPUE. pPUE (Partial PUE,局部PUE)是数据中心PUE概念的延伸,用于对数据中心的局部区 …
Zone descriptions and response characterization for CLF/CLTD ...
This paper presents the results of an extensive parametric study of the dynamic response of building cooling loads to heat gains. These results are in the form of tables that classify zones in terms of seven of their physical properties and according to their dynamic response characteristics. Weighting factors and other data are also given.
INTERNAL HEAT GAINS (IHG) - Energy-Models.com
To allow for the time delay due to thermal storage, Cooling Load Factors (CLF) were developed to estimate the heat gains from internal heat emitting sources. CLFs are based on the time (hour) when the internal source starts to generate heat load and …
two floors of a show room in a mall using CLTD/CLF method according to the load analysis, suitable air-conditioning systems were selected for the building and Duct sizing is calculated by velocity reduction method. The current paper discusses about cooling Load Calculation using CLTD/CLF method for educational building. 3.
一文读懂!数据中心能效指标与计算(附文件) - 搜狐
2023年4月3日 · CLF(Cooling Load Factor),是制冷负载系数,定义是为数据中心制冷设备耗电与IT设备耗电的比值,即: CLF=制冷设备耗电 ÷ IT设备耗电 04.
CLF - Cooling Load Factor - nrs.vegas
CLF stands for Cooling Load Factor - a home’s cooling load is a measure of how much an air conditioning unit needs to effect cooling in a room of a given size. It is measured in British Thermal Units, which is usually abbreviated to BTUs. The CLF is the cooling load at a given time compared to the heat gain from earlier in the day.
如何理解障碍李雅普诺夫函数? - 知乎
Control Barrier functions: CLF对安全状态集的推广。 CBF来源比较杂,这里只讨论性质最好,应用最广的zeroing control barrier function,也即安全状态集是 C = \ { x: h (x)\ge 0\} 。 对可微函数 h (x) ,每个状态 x ,CBF 条件给定可选控制量集合 为 K_h (x) = \ { u : \nabla h (x) (f (x)+ g (x)u)\geq - \alpha ( h (x)) \} , \alpha 属于extended class k. 可以看到该条件和CLF的条件是及其相似的。
三氟化氯 - 百度百科
三氟化氯,是一种 无机化合物 ,化学式为ClF 3 ,主要用作 氟化剂 、燃烧剂、推进剂中的氧化剂、高温金属的切割油。
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