Diagnosis and Evaluation of Dilated Cardiomyopathy
2016年7月7日 · Late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) provides an alternative approach to coronary angiography and may identify prior myocardial infarction (subendocardial or transmural LGE) in as many as 13% of patients with suspected DCM and unobstructed coronary arteries.
心肌病磁共振成像临床应用中国专家共识 - 中华心血管病杂志
在心脏超声提示dcm患者中,在以下情况下可考虑进行cmr检查:新发或新诊断dcm(病程半年内)潜在的病因学诊断;dcm患者进行icd或心脏再同步化治疗(crt)前可准确评价左右心脏功能;dcm心肌组织学特征定性协助评价预后风险;dcm标准抗心力衰竭药物治疗后或病情急剧 ...
005 扩张型心肌病风险的多模式评估——CMR 的重要性,Heart - X …
背景 扩张型心肌病 (DCM) 的 5 年死亡率为 20%。心脏 MR (CMR) 是一个既定的结果预测指标。我们评估了新型遗传和循环生物标志物的附加作用。目的 在临床、遗传和生物标志物数据的背景下,进行综合评估以评估 DCM 中 CMR 参数的预后重要性。方法 前瞻性招募的 DCM 患者接受综合临床评估、CMR 晚期钆 ...
Multi-Modality Imaging in Dilated Cardiomyopathy: With a …
CMR has emerged as an indispensable diagnostic tool in the workup of DCM patients, given its ability to provide accurate and reproducible measurements on biventricular volumes, mass, and function, as well as detailed morphology information, overcoming most of the limitations inherent to other imaging modalities.
Clinical application of CMR in cardiomyopathies: evolving
2022年5月10日 · Non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is characterized by the presence of a poorly contractile and frequently dilated left and/or right ventricle, resulting from a complex interplay between individual genetic background and environmental factor [19].
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Characterization and Clinical …
2024年5月14日 · In this study, to our knowledge, we provide the first comprehensive CMR characterization and genetic background analysis in a large cohort of DCM and NDLVC (Central Illustration). We found that the presence of any LGE is associated with a greater risk of major arrhythmic events and that septal LGE is an independent predictor of the study’s ...
3-Tesla cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in primary dilated ...
2024年4月4日 · Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) is an excellent non-invasive imaging tool in the assessment of patients with primary dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). Findings include global ventricular enlargement, systolic dysfunction (ejection fraction <40%), and elevated end-diastolic (≥140 mL) and end-systolic volumes.
CMR 在 DCM 中的风险分层和预后价值;EF 和 LGE 之外的参数映 …
资金致谢 资金来源类型:私人公司。主要资金来源:Pamela Brown 博士得到 Alliance Medical 的资助。背景; 扩张型心肌病 (DCM) 中的心律失常风险分层和装置植入带来了重大挑战,正如 DANISH 试验所证明的,似乎已经达到了临床疗效的渐近线。现在有大量证据表明,纳入患者的 LGE 状态可能会增强 DCM 患者的 ...
CMR Radiologic-Pathologic Correlation in Radiomic Analysis of ...
Materials and methods: CMR images from DCM patients who underwent CMR followed by endomyocardial biopsy within 6 [2-15] days were used to investigate the association between myocardial radiomic signatures measured from native T 1, extra-cellular volume (ECV), late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) and histological features. Radiomic first-order and ...
扩张型心肌病右室重构的CMR预测因子的评估 ... - X-MOL
我们以前已经确定,在非缺血性扩张型心肌病(dcm)的患者中,三分之一存在的右心室收缩功能障碍(rvsd)是所有原因死亡率和心脏移植手术的独立预测因子。cmr提供了一种可靠且可靠的rvsd量化方法。 尚未正式评估dcm中rvsd的自然历史记录。我们试图评估基线左心室收缩功能是否可预测rvsd的发展 ...