ID Card Services - The HUB - Carnegie Mellon University
One of the most important items you'll need at Carnegie Mellon is your official ID Card. This photo identification card classifies you as a member of the CMU community and will be part of your everyday campus life. From bus access and Plaid Cash spending to campus events and museum entry, your ID Card is an essential tool for on and off campus.
Get Your ID Card - The HUB - Carnegie Mellon University
ID Cards are issued by The HUB (or a designated agent). The first ID Card for students, faculty, staff, emeriti faculty, and retiree faculty/staff is issued at no charge, while Sponsored ID Cards for eligible individuals are issued for a fee.
Students - ID Card Services - The HUB - Carnegie Mellon University
All enrolled students are entitled to an ID Card. Steps for acquiring a card for the first time, renewing an expired card, replacing a lost/stolen card, and replacing a damaged card may be found below.
cmu 不同的邮箱的关系? - 知乎
CMU学生在 my.cmu.edu 上登录后,可以为自己设置个性名称邮箱,方便用户使用和对外联系,如:[email protected]。 但是如. 师兄所说,一经设置选定后不可更改。 @http://ri.cmu.edu@http://alumni.cmu.edu@http://cs.cmu.edu@http://ece.cmu.edu@http://tepper.cmu.ed…
Global ID: Overview
2023年6月15日 · What is a Global ID? The Global ID is the CMU username which uniquely identifies you, a CMU student or faculty / staff member. The Global ID is used to authenticate with many different systems including email and CentralLink. The Global ID is typically the first five letters of your last name, a number, your first and then your middle initial.
Office of Enrollment Management - Carnegie Mellon University
The CMU ID Card, administered through The HUB, classifies you as a member of the Carnegie Mellon community and is a part of everyday campus life. From bus access and Plaid Cash to campus events and museum entry, the ID Card is an essential tool for on and off campus. View more information at www.cmu.edu/idplus.
Central Mobile ID | CentralCard - Central Michigan University
The Central ID card has gone mobile! You can now use your Central Mobile ID across campus for things such as door access, meal plans, flex dollars, library materials, athletic events, and recreation (SAC and residential fitness centers); all the same access the Central ID card had.
Access Services (Keys and CMU ID Card Access)
Your CMU ID card will open the exterior doors of most CMU buildings after regular business hours and on weekends and holidays. However, you may also require access to departmental corridors on certain floors within SCS buildings.
Andrew userID and Email - Carnegie Mellon University
Your Andrew userID is used to create your official university Andrew email address as follows: [Andrew userID]@andrew.cmu.edu. FAQ Who can have an Andrew userID?
Andrew Account Password Reset - Carnegie Mellon University
If you forgot your Andrew Account password, you may be able to reset it here. Enter your Andrew userID and click Continue. NOTE: You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser. If you do not know your Andrew userID, contact the Computing Services Help Center at (412) 268-4357 (HELP) or [email protected] for assistance.