Hinton train collision - Wikipedia
Canadian National Railway's westbound train No. 413 consisted of three locomotives, EMD GP38-2W number 5586, and 2 EMD SD40 numbers 5104 and 5062, followed by a high-speed spreader, 35 cylindrical hoppers loaded with grain, seven bulkhead flat cars loaded with large pipes, 45 hoppers loaded with sulphur, 20 loaded tank cars, six more grain cars ...
CN - Canadian National Railways Locomotive Roster - Railroad …
CN 47: 4-6-4T, Montreal 09/1914 as GT #1542, to CN #47 in 1923: 4-6-4 54896: 153: 56941: CN 49: Model: MLW 4-6-4T: 4-6-4 54898: 8: 124669: CN 50: Model: MLW 4-6-4T: 4-6-4 54899: 2: 244314: CN 74 : 80Tonner 28688: 3: 135802: CN 77: Model: CLC Diesel: CLC Diesel 1861: 5: 124675: CN 80: 1910, nee GTR 1000, ex-CN 902, scrapped 8/1957: 2-6-0 913: 7: ...
1986 VIA Crash Hinton, Alberta - RAILROAD.NET
3 天之前 · On February 08th, 1986, it was the lead unit of eastbound VIA RAIL # 4, when it collided with a westbound CN RAIL freight, 11 miles east of Hinton, Alberta. In total, 23 people lost their lives, including 16 passengers and 7 CN employees.
Old CN Train Wreck - General Discussion - Trains.com Forums
2024年1月9日 · The second unit on train 413 (CN 5104) had an alerter, but as it was a spartan cab SD40 it was marshalled in a trailing position and a safety cab GP38-2W (CN 5586) was made the leader. The documentary gets the basic facts of the crash right.
Hinton Rail Crash - 1986 - Hinton, Alberta - Waymarking.com
2012年3月3日 · The Hinton train collision was a railway accident that occurred at 8:40 am on February 8, 1986. Twenty-three people were killed and 95 others sustained injuries in a collision between a Canadian National (CN) Railway freight train and a VIA Rail Canada passenger train. It was the most lethal Canadian rail disaster since the Dugald accident of 1947.
Canadian National No. 5586 | Locomotive Wiki | Fandom
Canadian National No. 5586. Edit Edit source History Purge Talk (0) Trivia [] Gallery [] Categories Categories: Canadian National locomotives; Diesel locomotives; Wrecked trains; Scrapped locomotives; Scrapped in 1986; Add category; Cancel Save. Community content is ...
喆 - 中日韩象形文字, Unicode 编号: U+5586 了解符号意义并 复制 …
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《工程技术》杂志【首页】【编辑部】 - chinesezz.cn
《工程技术》将突出工程领域新技术、新工艺、新方法,反映建筑、水电、石化等工程领域新成果、新进展,促进工程技术行业的交流与成果展示,为推动我国工程技术和科学技术发展服务。 …
《中文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)工程技术》是经国家新闻出版署批准,科技部西南信息中心主管、重庆维普资讯有限公司主办的连续型电子出版物。国内刊号:cn 50-9210/tb,国际刊号:issn 1671-5586。
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