California Natural Diversity Database - California Department of …
The California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) is an inventory of the status and locations of rare plants and animals in California. CNDDB staff work with partners to maintain current lists of rare species, as well as to maintain an ever-growing …
CNDDB Maps and Data - California Department of Fish and Wildlife
The CNDDB QuickView Tool is a free Internet application that provides users with a list of all tracked elements that have been documented by the CNDDB and the Spotted Owl Observations Database (SPOWDB) to occur in a selected USGS 7.5' topographic quad or in a selected county.
CNDDB - Plants and Animals - California Department of Fish and …
If you have data in decimal degrees, deg/min/sec, or UTM, you can use BIOS to map your location using NAD83, the datum used by the CNDDB. Print out the map and mail with your field survey form to the CNDDB.
California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) - Government [ds45]
The California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) is a product of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife's Biogeographic Data Branch (BDB). The CNDDB is both a manual and computerized library of the status and locations of California's …
CNDDB Data Use Guidelines . Table of Contents . Limitations of the GIS dataset, and how to get more details..... 1 Why are there so many different shapes and sizes of CNDDB occurrences?..... 2
The CNDDB program was first established as California’s natural heritage program by The Nature Conservancy in 1979 and transferred to the Department in 1981 via Fish and Game Code Chapter 12 Section 1932.
• CNDDB’s BIOS 6 Public Viewer is completely free to use and does not require a CNDDB Subscription or a CDFW Login. • Is a great resources management tool for understanding what sensitive species and/or resources have been known to occur within or near a proposed project area. • Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox are the preferred web
Category Documents - California
2005年10月31日 · Documents with important information about species tracked by the California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB).
CNDDB Subscriptions - California Department of Fish and Wildlife
A subscription to the CNDDB includes: Access to RareFind 5, an Internet application that allows for querying of statewide data on rare species and natural community locations. Access to the CNDDB and Spotted Owl Data Viewer, an online map viewer. Access to CNDDB GIS data for use in ArcGIS or other GIS applications, with monthly updates.
California Natural Diversity Database - CNDDB · iNaturalist
2024年11月4日 · This project is designed to allow incorporation of iNaturalist records into the California Natural Diversity Database program (CNDDB) in the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. The CNDDB tracks occurrences of plants and animals of …