Call of the Abyss VIII | Identity V Wiki | Fandom
Call of the Abyss VIII (shortly known as COA VIII) is the eighth tournament part of Call of the Abyss, and has a Mechanical Wasteland theme. It likely takes inspiration from TBA. The registration for the event ran from December 26th, 2024 to TBA.
Call of the Abyss 8——COA8 rules - Identity V
The Call of the Abyss Ⅷ Event, will be divided into four phases: Zephyr Hollow, Leviathan Shore, Ancient Passage, and Oblivion Expanse. 1. [Zephyr Hollow] The preheat will take place from December 26, 2024 (after maintenance) to January 2, 2025 (before maintenance). During this phase, players can register to participate in the event.
Call of the Abyss | Identity V Wiki | Fandom
Call of the Abyss is an annual, server-wide tournament and global festival that anyone can participate in so long as they are part of a team. Rewards are awarded based off of match performances as individuals and as a whole team.
Call of the Abyss VIII/Online Qualifiers | Identity V Wiki | Fandom
The top 8 teams in each division's Ancient Passage rankings (top 5 for Japan Division) will be invited to participate in the following COA Ⅷ online qualifiers. The online qualifiers for individual Divisions will commence in February 2025, and the Grand Final will take place in April 2025.
Call of the Abyss 8——COA8 大会ルール - Identity V
【東南アジア地区】2024 ivc優勝チームは直接coa Ⅷワールド決勝トーナメントへの進出資格を獲得します。 東南アジア地区オンライン予選で残り1つのCOA Ⅷワールド決勝トーナメント進出枠が決まります。
COA Ⅷ - 第五人格WIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
5 天之前 · 深渊的呼唤Ⅷ是《第五人格》最高级别的电竞赛事,也是全民共享的盛典狂欢。 在深渊的呼唤Ⅷ中,玩家们不仅可以通过参与活动赢取丰厚奖励,还有机会争夺象征最高荣耀的总冠军奖杯和瓜分400万元的总奖金池! 本届深渊的呼唤Ⅷ赛事由三个阶段构成,游戏内积分赛,在线预选赛及全球线下总决赛。 游戏内积分赛分为风栖之墟,巨骸水畔,遗迹回廊,终末之地四个阶段进行。 第一阶段是 "风栖之墟",盛典报名阶段,2024年12月26日维护后开启,战队队长可免费报 …
深淵的呼喚8——COA8賽事規則 - Identity V
More COA 8 Story! - YouTube
The doll...Timestamps:0:00 Intro0:14 COA 8 Ranking Placement2:04 COA 8 Rewards & Wasteland Treasure Hunt3:03 Wasteland Encampment Day 3 (Story Mode)11:53 End...
COA Ⅷ日本赛区参赛战队 - 第五人格WIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
The Final Phase Of COA 8... - YouTube
Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 0:17 COA 8 Phase 4 & Qualifying NA/EU Teams 2:02 Wasteland Notes (Story Lore) 10:29 Ending Music Used: Preparations (Reunion) - Fire Emblem Echoes Discord Server Link: /...