Lattice oxygen activation and local electric field enhancement by …
2024年2月3日 · We herein demonstrate a strategy to promote OER with simultaneously achieved lattice oxygen activation and enhanced local electric field by dual doping of cations and anions. Rough arrays of Fe...
We herein demonstrate a strategy to promote OER with simultaneously achieved lattice oxygen activa-tion and enhanced local electric field by dual doping of cations and anions. Rough arrays of...
2024年2月9日 · 2月3日,化材学院胡勇教授等人在国际权威期刊《Nature Communications》(中科院1区Top,IF=16.6)在线发表题为“Lattice oxygen activation and local electric field enhancement by co-doping Fe and F in CoO nanoneedle arrays for...
Laser assisted oxygen vacancy engineering on Fe doped CoO …
2024年3月20日 · Here, we employed a laser irradiation technique to synthesis Fe doped CoO nanoparticles with ultrafine size (≈ 5.4 nm) and abundant oxygen vacancies (Fe-O v -CoO). The ultrafine size of Fe-O v -CoO nanoparticles provides more active sites to be exposed.
Lattice oxygen activation and local electric field enhancement by …
2024年2月3日 · We herein demonstrate a strategy to promote OER with simultaneously achieved lattice oxygen activation and enhanced local electric field by dual doping of cations and anions. Rough arrays of Fe and F co-doped CoO nanoneedles are constructed, and a low overpotential of 277 mV at 500 mA cm-2 is achieved. The dually doped Fe and F could ...
实验室王海燕在Nature Communications上发表研究成果
通过简单的阴、阳离子双掺杂策略制备了Fe和F共掺杂的粗糙CoO纳米针阵列(缩写为Fe、F-CoONNAs)用于碱性条件下的电催化析氧反应。 得益于晶格氧活化和局域电场的耦合作用,所制备的Fe、F-CoO NNAs在10 mA cm–2的电流密度下表现出169mV的极低过电位,在500 mA...
CoFe2O4 (Fe2CoO4 rt) Crystal Structure - SpringerMaterials
Explore the spinel family crystalline lattice structure of Fe2CoO4 rt with lattice parameters, 3d interactive image of unit cell, cif file, lattice constants & more.
Improved electrical and dielectric properties of La-doped Co ferrite ...
2011年2月1日 · The lattice parameter of CoO.Fe 1.925 La 0.075 O 3 determined from XRD is 8.401 Å (±0.001 Å), which is higher than that reported for CoO.Fe 2 O 3 (8.387 Å, ±0.001 Å). While the enhanced dielectric constant and improved electrical resistivity are evident in the data, key is the optimum composition without impurity phase formation as ...
Lattice oxygen-mediated Co–O–Fe formation in Co-MOF via Fe …
2024年8月1日 · The research of the structure-performance relationship reveals the lattice oxygen oxidation mechanism (LOM) where the Co-O-Fe bond is formed during the OER process by changing the electronic environment and coordination structure of CoFe–BDC NO 2, and with high valence Co as active center, which provides a deep understanding of the structure ...
纳米人 - m.nanoer.net
2024年2月3日 · 浙江农林大学Yong Hu、挪威东南大学Hao Huang和浙江师范大学Haiyan Wang等证明了通过阳离子和阴离子的双重掺杂同时实现晶格氧活化和增强局部电场来促进OER的策略。 本文要点: (1) 作者构建了铁和氟共掺杂的CoO纳米针的粗糙阵列,并在500mA cm-2下获得了277 mV的低过电位。 双掺杂的Fe和F可以协同调节CoO的电子性质,从而改善金属-氧共价性和受激晶格氧活化。 特别是,铁掺杂引起尖端增强和邻近效应的协同效应,这有效地浓缩了OH离 …