CPFB | What are the CPF LIFE plans available and which is the right ...
2025年2月10日 · There are three CPF LIFE plans to choose from – Escalating Plan, Standard Plan and Basic Plan. Do plan for your retirement with inflation in mind. For example, if your monthly expenditure is $1,000 today, you may need about $1,500 monthly payouts to maintain the same lifestyle in 20 years’ time.
关于新加坡中央公积金(CPF) 带你深度解读 - 知乎
2022年1月1日 · CPF(Central Provident Fund),中文可译为中央公积金,是一项新加坡政府建立的、 针对所有新加坡公民以及永久居民的社会保障储蓄计划,每一位新加坡公民和永久居民都有自己的CPF账号。
CPFB | CPF overview
CPF helps Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents set aside funds to build a strong foundation for retirement. Basic needs. For greater peace of mind in your golden years, it’s important to take care of these three needs. Owning a home means you don’t have to worry about rent. Strike a balance and buy a property within your means.
Central Provident Fund - Wikipedia
The Central Provident Fund Board (CPFB), commonly known as the CPF Board or simply the Central Provident Fund (CPF), is a compulsory comprehensive savings and pension plan for working Singaporeans and permanent residents primarily to fund their retirement, healthcare, and housing [3] needs in Singapore.
What is the Central Provident Fund (CPF) - Ministry of Manpower
2024年3月14日 · The CPF is a mandatory social security savings scheme funded by contributions from employers and employees. The CPF is a key pillar of Singapore’s social security system, and serves to meet our retirement, housing and healthcare needs.
CPFB | CPF 101: What do you need to know about CPF?
CPF is made up of four accounts: the Ordinary Account (OA), Special Account (SA), the MediSave Account (MA) and the Retirement Account (RA) CPF savings can be used for your home purchases and housing loans; CPF savings can be used for medical bills, hospitalisation and long-term care, both for you and your loved ones
Central Provident Fund (CPF): What it is, How it Works - Investopedia
2024年7月22日 · What Is the Central Provident Fund? The Central Provident Fund (CPF) is a mandatory benefit account providing retirement earnings and healthcare for Singaporeans. Contributions to the...
A Beginner’s Guide to CPF: Contributions, Account Types and Interest ...
2022年8月6日 · The Central Provident Fund — or CPF as it’s commonly known — is a compulsory savings and retirement scheme for working Singapore citizens and PRs. The social security plan additionally covers healthcare, home ownership, family protection and asset enhancement. Why do we even need CPF?
Ultimate Guide to Central Provident Fund (CPF) 2021 - Carbonate …
2022年1月1日 · Everything you wanted to know about Central Provident Fund (CPF) in Singapore. Learn how to calculate interest for various types of CPF accounts.
What is Singapore's Central Provident Fund (CPF)? - Forvis Mazars
For the purpose of CPF, wages are classified into 2 categories. Ordinary Wages (OW) refers to the basic salary earned in the month. The CPF contribution on OW is currently capped at $6,000 a month. Additional Wages (AW) refers to bonuses and other variable components earned. The CPF contribution on AW is capped based on the following computation: