CPx - VMoto
CPx is the big name in electric two-wheelers, accompanying you on your most beautiful journeys. High performances: big space, big power, big comfort, big safety. Powered by dual 74V 45Ah or 74V 30Ah batteries, offering an impressive 3-year warranty and 1500 charge cycles, our scooter ensures long-lasting performance.
CPx PRO - VMoto
Cutting-edge technology and many, small details that make your ride easy, safe and enjoyable. Just few examples are the patented single swing-arm motor for free maintenance allows a faster changing time (5 minutes) or the reverse assisted function, for an effortless electric reversing ride.
VMoto | CPx Explorer
Thanks to its 8 kW engine, the new CPX Explorer takes the electric riding sensation to another level, with a top speed of 105 km/h and an impressive 100 km range. Form and function have finally found their synthesis. Powerful Performance: 74V battery delivers strong acceleration and extended range.
CPx 電動車|城市的力量,兩輪都會型RV|陳零九代言
CPX電動車是適合客貨兩用的絕佳選擇,具備超強的載貨能力×140km超長續航,設有方便的一鍵倒車功能。 節能環保,保養簡單,省時省力又經濟。 配有16吋的超大輪徑,能讓您享受更加舒適的騎乘體驗,帶您巧妙地穿梭在城市的每個角落。
實測行不行!,SUPER SOCO CPX 攻頂花蓮行(內附影片 ... - Mobile01
2021年11月12日 · 為求實驗結果的準確性,我跟阿筌交換共騎cpx,vs1由官方人員騎乘,官方人員說明cpx重速度而vs1重續航,所以兩款車的控制器放電(動力輸出)方式不同。
注入大羊的靈魂,SUPER SOCO CPX 客貨兩用電動車 - Mobile01
2021年11月4日 · cpx的坐墊總長度在白牌電動機車裡應可排名在前三內,表面為防滑材質,乘坐與坐姿的整體心得在第二篇的實測影片裡會提到,這邊就不再贅述。 前座用5.6吋的手機當比例尺就能看得出坐墊真的不小,已相當於許多小型速克達的整張坐墊長度了。
Super Soco CPX Pro - Technical Info
The CPx becomes even faster thanks to the 8 kW engine, which makes it even more powerful, bringing it up to a speed of 105 km/h. Rear luggage rack made of carbon steel, safe and durable: passed 1 million vibration resistance tests. Super Soco CPX Pro: A strong, safe and high-tech vehicle: the perfect partner for your daily dynamics.
VMoto Soco CPx: a moto elétrica mais vendida do Brasil
2025年2月7日 · Conforme dados exclusivos, cedidos ao AutoPapo pela Fenabrave, a VMoto Soco CPx foi a moto elétrica mais vendida do Brasil em 2024 com 2.032 unidades emplacadas ao longo do período. O modelo ficou muito à frente da segunda colocada, a GCX S8, que emplacou 424 unidades.
VMOTO CPx Pro Electric Scooter - horizonmicromobility.com
The Vmoto CPx Pro Electric Scooter is a high-performance, environmentally friendly urban vehicle designed for a smooth and efficient commute. Built with an impressive, modern design, the CPx Pro offers a powerful motor, achieving a top speed of up to 30 mph (50km/h) – ideal for zipping through city streets.
VMoto | Global leader in electric mobility solutions
Europe’s most popular electric vehicle. We are proud to have been the official electric scooter supplier to Ducati Corse and to see riders whizzing around the paddocks on our 100% electric CPx scooters.