ALEX STREKEISEN-Clinopyroxene-
• Colour and Pleochroism: Usually colourless, gray, pale green or pale brown, darker colours associated with Fe-rich varieties titanaugite is more distinctly coloured from brown/pink to …
ALEX STREKEISEN-Clinopyroxene-
PPL image, 2x (Field of view = 7mm) Pyroxene in basal section (with colorless apatite inclusions) in a xenolith from Vulsini volcano, Italy. PPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)
Clinopyroxene - University of Notre Dame
Series of photomicrographs showing the weak pleochroism of Clinopyroxene (top two photomicrographs, taken in plane polarized light). The bottom photomicrograph (taken in cross …
ALEX STREKEISEN-Orthopyroxene-
Orthopyroxene crystal in a dacite. PPL image , 10x (Field of view = 2mm) Orthopyroxene crystal with clinopyroxene rim in a dacite. XPL image , 10x (Field of view = 2mm) Orthopyroxene …
What can we learn from REE abundances in clinopyroxene and ...
2021年3月9日 · Rare-earth elements (REE) in mantle rocks have been widely used to study partial melting, melt migration and melt–rock interaction processes in the mantle. Most …
Origin and geodynamic significance of the Siuna Serpentinite …
2019年9月1日 · A high-T plastic deformation is recorded in the bent and kinked Cpx crystals with anhedral grain shapes and abundant exsolution lamellae of Opx. PPL. PPL = plane polarized …
Microscopic views (XPL, crossed polarized light; PPL plane …
Microscopic views (XPL, crossed polarized light; PPL plane polarized light) of peridotites, pyroxenites and gabbros. (a) Crspinel-bearing wehrlite sample. (b) Interstial olivines in a …
Microphotographs: (a) Common texture of olivine (Ol), …
A high-T plastic deformation is recorded in the bent and kinked Cpx crystals with anhedral grain shapes and abundant exsolution lamellae of Opx. PPL. PPL = plane polarized light.
PPL(Pay-per-Lead):根据每次通过网络广告产生的引导付费的定价模式。 例如,广告客户为访问者点击广告完成了在线表单而向广告服务商付费。 这种模式常用于网络会员制营销模式中 …
Trace element distribution between orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene …
2005年11月12日 · Clinopyroxenes (cpx) in abyssal and ophiolitic peridotites are commonly analyzed for lithophile trace element abundances in order to estimate degrees of melting and …