CQ List - EchoLink
The following EchoLink nodes are currently Calling CQ. Any pairs of stations in this list that have matching preferences will be automatically connected to each other and removed from the list, so the list normally shows only those stations that are not a match for one another.
Welcome to CARQUEST's WEBLINK v2. Forgot Password? This system is restricted to CARQUEST authorized users for business purposes. Unauthorized access is a violation of the law. This service may be monitored for administrative and security reasons. By proceeding, you consent to this monitoring. © CARQUEST Auto Parts. All Rights Reserved.
# CQ 码 / CQ Code - go-cqhttp
在 QQ 中, 一个消息由多个部分构成, 例如一段文本, 一个图片, at 某人的一个部分. CQ 中定义了与这些消息相符的 CQ 码, 以方便用户使用. 注意, CQ 码中不应该有多余的空格, 请不要在任何逗号后或前添加空格, 它会被识别为参数或参数值的一部分. 关于 CQ 码对应的 JSON 格式说明, 参考: go-cqhttp 帮助中心: 参考. CQ 码由字符 [ 起始, 以 ] 结束, 并且以 , 分割各个参数, 如果你的 CQ 码中, 参数值包括了这些字符, 那么它们应该被使用 HTML 特殊字符的编码方式进行转义. [1] 发送时, …
业余无线电如何进行一次简单的通联 - 电波浪 - 业余无线电的贴心 …
CQ:是一个业余无线电中最常见的通讯术语,是英文 Seek You 的简写,意思是寻找你。 在通联过程中要经常报出自己的呼号。 国际电信联盟《无线电规则》规定:各业余电台在发信过程中,应该每隔一段时间就要发送他们的呼号。
什么是CQ分区以及CQ分区查询 - 电波浪 - 业余无线电的贴心工具 …
CQ是无线电通信中的一个通用呼叫,用于寻找任何可以回应的站点。而CQ Zone则是根据地理位置将全球划分为40个区域。 这种划分方式主要用于业余无线电比赛,如CQ全球DX比赛。在这类比赛中,与不同CQ Zone的站点进行通信可以获得更高的分数。
Ham Contest Links Page - AC6V
2010年1月18日 · Latest Reflector Postings Updated hourly! OR Reflector Archives! -- CQ Contest, Tower Talk, Top Band, QRP -- From Bafoofnik's Ham Radio Search Engine. CAN'T FIND IT? SEARCH THE WEB OR THE AC6V WEBSITE.
Calling CQ - EchoLink
Introduced in EchoLink for Windows version 2.1, the latest iOS, Android, and Web editions, and EchoHam v2.28, the Call CQ function is a quick way to be matched up with another station also seeking an EchoLink connection.
Generating URL based on AEM RUN mode using AEM Externalizer …
2018年3月4日 · In this article, we are going to create a simple OSGi service that can be used to generate a link for external content delivery. Step 1: Configure AEM with URLs for all run modes
CQ Knowlegis | CQ
Knowlegis is the best way to contact Congress & support your advocacy efforts. Build mailing lists and compose emails all in one place. Create highly customizable, saved lists based on congressional profiles, issue area, party, role, staff, chamber, delegation, or voting record.
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