Definition Special Process Scope - CQI-11 & CQI-12 - Definition
2008年12月3日 · Re: CQI-11 & CQI-12 Definition of Special Process Scope Hi all, I'm newly involved with a company that produces paint for automotive companies. It looks like our company must comply with CQI-12 (Coating System Assessment), but I don't have the official document from AIAG because the company doesn't want to buy it.
The New CQI 11 or 12 Annual Assessment for Plating & Coatings ...
2007年10月25日 · Further, Chrysler and General Motors also require a Coating System Assessment (CQI-12) and a Plating Systems Assessment (CQI-11) of their suppliers. Find out how to effectively use the special process system assessment guidelines to evaluate the control and management of your heat treat, coating and/or plating processes in order to reduce line ...
AIAG CQI-11, 12, 15 and 17 - Whose requirements are these?
AIAG CQI-11, 12, 15 and 17 - Annual requirement? I have a supplier that we have requested to complete CQI 9 Heat Treat assessment. This supplier has provided a copy of the assessment however the customer/spec it covers is for Ford. I require one to the GM Spec.
The New CQI 11 or 12 Annual Assessment for Plating & Coatings ...
2007年10月25日 · "We have been informed by a core member of the team that developed the CQI-12 document that it does not apply to the types of coatings provided by our company. It applies to electrocoating, Autophoretic coating, dip/spin application of organic coatings and a few others but not to fluoropolymer, nylon patch, thread adhesives/sealants, etc.
CQI-11 and 12 assessor's Evidence in 2. - Elsmar Cove Quality and ...
2011年11月27日 · My compay is out-sourcing plating and coating. And we need to do CQI-11/12 assessment requested by customer, so covering this assessments for couple years. This company is supplier of automotive parts, mainly using turning centers, but do not have any heat/plating/coating facilities.
CQI-12 Internal Audit required by Chrysler - What if we're late?
2008年4月10日 · The CQI-12 as well as the CQI-9 and CQI-11 are customer specific requirements and would be audited as such. Not meeting this customer requirement would be the same as not meeting any other customer specific requirement. The auditor would issue you an N/C. You will have to provide a corrective action which should include doing the audit.
CQI-11 & CQI-12 Version 2 - Changes from the previous version
2012年5月31日 · Re: CQI-11 & CQI-12 Version 2 - Changes from the previous version All, Strictly speaking on the CQI-11. I have bought and downloaded the new (version 2) assessment. Directly from the assessment: Four new Process Tables have been added. Section 6: "Hard Chrome Equipment" has been added. The most significant changes: Cover Page: Summary items added
The New CQI 11 or 12 Annual Assessment for Plating & Coatings …
2007年10月25日 · Has anyone performed a CQI 11 or 12 annual assessment yet ? The dock to dock job audit and meeting all requirements in the tables for process / product controls poses some challneges. In addition , methods for supplier development may be interesting , such as timing requirments/ wiavers , etc. Sharing experiences on the new CQI requirements ...
CQI-12 - Applicability to Raw Materials - Elsmar Cove Quality and ...
2018年10月24日 · Hello all. I am more or less pasively monitoring some interesting discussions, but now I bumped into a problem, where our customer requires us to get CQI-12 self assessment from our suppliers of lamination steel for electromotors and rotor/stator stacks which we produce. Because this steel is...
CQI-12 2nd Edition - Table D, question 2.1 - Powder Coat Painting
2015年4月23日 · Good morning, I'm in the process of implementing the self assessment of the CQI-12 as part of the GM customer specifics. We are a remanufacturer and we powder coat pulley, fans for alternators for cosmetic purposes. In table D, question 2.1 it asks: "the temperature of the parts entering the coating booth is monitored"