125-200cc - 125 / 150 Jetting Database | Cafe Husky
2010年3月23日 · This database is for jetting setups on the CR,WR 125 / 144 / 150 bikes. The goal is to list your carburetor settings and provide a brief conclusion of the...
CR vs Wr 1982 250 | Cafe Husky
2016年12月26日 · CR stands for Close Ratio, WR stands for Wide Ratio (as far as gears go). The CRs were the MX bike because closer gears equals better acceleration in the tight corners/etc of MX type racing.
新手必看:SCI、JCR分区、中科院SCI分区都是什么?该如何查询期 …
2024年1月16日 · SCI是科学引文索引,被它收录的期刊,被称为SCI期刊,在期刊领域,具有很高的地位。 JCR分区,包括SCI、SSCI、AHCI、ESCI期刊,但目前只有SCI、SSCI才有分区,也是 WOS分区,通常称为Q1、Q2、Q3、Q4,算是国外的一种分区标准。 中科院SCI分区,是 中国科学院文献情报中心 期刊分区表中SCI期刊的分区 ...
whats the diff??? cr @ wr?? tranny. | Cafe Husky
2014年12月4日 · CR - close ratio transmission, internal rotor Motoplat WR - wide ratio transmission, external rotor SEM or Motoplat ignition. I believe primary ratio is the same on the 430 but different than the 250s. It has been mentioned that using 250 primary gearing in the 430 will spin the engine over faster when kick starting
1981 Husqvarna 430CR - Cafe Husky
2017年9月4日 · Hey guys, this is my first post! (Not my first husky)Got an 81 430CR in boxes a year back. Got it all together and runs well for the most part. I have a few questions hopefully some insight from experienced techs. 1.Runs clean and starts 3-4th kick cold. Runs well and very fast, but when Im...
125-200cc - 2012 CR125 Ignition Timing | Cafe Husky
2012年7月4日 · After my WR ignition took a dump, I used the excuse to buy the CR ignition. I have done some searching on this site concerning ignition timing but all of the threads were about the older bikes. They mentioned some special tool that I might need but no part number. I would sure like to get a...
1983 cr 250 first ride | Cafe Husky
2011年1月10日 · back to my cr 250 project.wanting to order stiffer shock springs today.any one know the rate of the stock springs in the bike so i can get the right ones?the sales rep from ohlins is struggling a bit to gather up info.thank you ,dan
79 CR 250 rebuild - Cafe Husky
2017年8月30日 · 79 CR 250 rebuild Discussion in ' Vintage/Left Kickers ' started by squid on a 300, Aug 30, 2017.
1982 430CR Performance Mods - Cafe Husky
2016年8月14日 · Just below up-titles post there's randyhowell post about his first ride with the boost bottle I can't move it here. Search for " boost bottle" start reading at 81 cr 430? Pros and cons
1978 390 CR Will not Fire Up - Cafe Husky
2015年7月31日 · Dear Husqvarna Gerus I am new to this site and would very much appreciate any guidance or advice on getting my 1978 390 CR which has been sitting indoors since 1982 up and running. I found it in April and have been going through it all. I just finished installing a Power Dynamo ignition...