125-200cc - 125 / 150 Jetting Database - Cafe Husky
Mar 23, 2010 · The race gas helps as well as the cr ignitions in the 125's. That said I can't imagine you can get the WR 250 to run well on the bottom or idle above 8000' with whatever jetting you want to put in the stock TMX. Walt My 144 with the PWK airstriker from Kelly: Pump 92 octane Elevation-4500'-10000' 175 main 45 pilot Blue JD needle in the 4th slot
whats the diff??? cr @ wr?? tranny. | Cafe Husky
Dec 4, 2014 · The 500 cr on the 1984 parts sheet has z= that is the tooth count. The wr would be the same as later on in that 81-88 teck data pdf file when more data is published. The bikes came with a manual but the specs came on a two sided card for exactly what was purchaced, kind of complicates things.
新手必看:SCI、JCR分区、中科院SCI分区都是什么?该如何查询期 …
Jan 16, 2024 · 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ...
CR vs Wr 1982 250 | Cafe Husky
Dec 26, 2016 · CR stands for Close Ratio, WR stands for Wide Ratio (as far as gears go). The CRs were the MX bike because closer gears equals better acceleration in the tight corners/etc of MX type racing. The WRs were used for Enduro because the wider gear ratios built up to a higher top end speed in the open runs, and other gear such as lights and speedometers.
spss因子分析结果能计算AVE和CR吗? - 知乎
CR是指合成信度,它是评估内部一致性的指标。SPSS因子分析的结果报告中并没有直接给出CR值,但是可以使用SPSS语法代码计算CR,具体步骤如下: 1. 在因子得分输出结果处,通过右键单击选择 "保存生成的因子得分系数",将这些因子得分系数输出到Excel文件中。 2.
1981 Husqvarna 430CR - Cafe Husky
Sep 4, 2017 · bike very likely has an air leak somewhere as stated by others....unless you know the info, very important to pull carb and record all jet sizes for reference. most of the 430 bikes are rich on bottom and are ok or a bit lean on top. make sure to record the float level, main, needle, needle jet, pilot, and slide size. i dont think its related but a compression check would be wise …
不锈钢元素符号Cr、Ni、Mo代表什么意思? - 知乎
Feb 2, 2024 · 1、铬(Cr) 铬能增加钢的淬透性并有二次硬化的作用,可提高碳钢的硬度和耐磨性而不使钢变脆。 含量超过12%时,使钢有良好的高温抗氧化性和耐氧化性腐蚀的作用,还增加钢的热强性。
125-200cc - Clutch wear and adjustment | Cafe Husky
Sep 10, 2009 · We had a problem with my sons CR 125 as well. Check where the cable coes into the metal boss on the case down at the motor below the carb. Ours was pushed out by maybe an 1/8 inch and the clutch would slip as the bike heated up.
1983 Husky 250 CR | Cafe Husky
Jun 29, 2016 · 1983 Husky 250 CR. Thread starter Bslade01; Start date Jun 29, 2016; B. Bslade01 Husqvarna. Jun 29, 2016 ...
79 CR 250 rebuild - Cafe Husky
Aug 30, 2017 · I started working on the 79 CR 250 I picked up at mid-Ohio in July. The engine is locked up. After soaking it in the frame with PB blaster for 1 month it still would not budge. So I took it out of the frame and pulled the head. Luckily the bottom end was free so I was able to lift the cylinder and begin soaking the piston from the bottom.