Capital Requirements Directive CRD 4 - European Commission
2024年3月8日 · Capital Requirements Directive (CRD IV) Implementing and delegated acts - CRD IV Find links to implementing and delegated acts for Directive 2013/36/EU on banking …
Banking package - European Commission - Finance
On 27 October 2021, the European Commission adopted a review of EU banking rules (the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) and the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD IV)). …
Prudential requirements - European Commission - Finance
Banking package: proposals to amend the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD IV) and the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR)
Capital Requirements Regulation - European Commission - Finance
2024年6月18日 · Overview and state of play of RTS supplementing CRD IV/CRR. Overview and state of play of ITS supplementing CRD IV/CRR. Prudential requirements
Banking regulation - European Commission - Finance
Regulation of the banking sector. Prudential requirements aim to make the financial sector more stable, while ensuring that it is able to support households, firms, and other end-users of …
2016/2070 as regards benchmark portfolios, reporting templates and reporting instructions to be applied in the Union for the reporting referred to in Article 78(2) of
Legend: DAC = Delegated Act, IAC = Implementing Act, ITS = Implementing Technical Standard, RPS = Regulatory Procedure with Scrutiny, RTS = Regulatory Technical Standard
établissements de crédit par la directive sur les exigences de fonds propres IV (CRD IV) et le règlement sur les exigences de fonds propres (CRR). Le nouveau cadre est entré en vigueur …
The CRD IV/CRR framework includes a capital conservation buffer1 designed to ensure that banks build up capital buffers outside periods of stress which can be drawn down as losses …
Prudential rules for investment firms - European Commission
Overview. The activities of investment firms are governed at EU-level by the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive.In addition, EU investment firms are also subject to prudential rules that …