CS-27 Small Rotorcraft - EASA
Regular update of the Certification Specifications for Small Rotorcraft (CS-27) CS-27 Amendment 10. Certification Specification (CS) Initial Airworthiness: view [pdf] CS-27 Amendment 10. The file was replaced on 04/10/2023. The corrections on pages: 41, 48, 72, 81, 159, 182, 189, 246, 260, 279, 291 and 303 are highlighted in yellow.
Easy Access Rules for Small Rotorcraft (CS-27) - Initial issue ...
2023年2月28日 · Login or register to stay informed. This document contains the applicable rules on Small Rotorcraft. It includes the applicable certification specifications (CS), acceptable means of compliance (AMC) and guidance material (GM), displayed in a consolidated, easy-to-read format with advanced navigation features through links and bookmarks.
CS-27 PREAMBLE CS-27 Amendment 1 Effective: 30/11/2007 The following is a list of paragraphs affected by this amendment. Book 1 Subpart B • CS 27.25 Amended (NPA 11/2006) • CS 27.49 Created by renaming CS 27.73 (NPA 11/2006) • CS 27.51 Amended (NPA 11/2006) • CS 27.73 Deleted and moved to CS 27.49 (NPA 11/2006)
CS 27 - Wikipedia
The CS 27 is a small recreational keelboat, built predominantly of fibreglass. It has a masthead sloop rig, a transom-hung rudder and a fixed fin keel . It displaces 6,100 lb (2,767 kg) and carries 2,400 lb (1,089 kg) of ballast.
CS 27 - sailboatdata
Reported sail area above includes a 150% genoa. The optional shoal draft model has a longer bolt-on lead keel. Displacement: 6500 lbs./2948 kgs. Ballast: 2800 lbs./1270 kgs. About 90 boats were fitted with these lead fins. In 1977, the rudder area was increased.
(CS-27) (Amendment 10) Disclaimer Powered by EASA eRules Page 3 of 353| Feb 2023 DISCLAIMER This document is issued by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (referred to as both EASA and the Agency [) to provide its stakeholders with an updated, consolidated, and easy-to-read publication.
CS27 vs C&C27 - SailNet Community
2013年3月2日 · The CS 27 is well known for construction quality, and sails well, esp upwind. The C&C 27 might be considered the 'prettier' boat, it's hard to beat the classic C&C sheerline, and personally I prefer C&C's hull deck joint treatment.
CS 27 & 30 questions - SailNet Community
2019年1月8日 · I have read a lot about the quality of CS boats, and although the 36T is my favourite, it's out of my price range ($20K CAD). I have seen a few 27s and 30s at the docks, but only one 27 for sale, that I was able to view on board.
CS 27 - Used Sailboat Market in Canada - Sailquest
It is a fast boat with real adult size room below decks, and it comes with an inboard diesel, double lifelines, two speed winches, a pressurized fresh water system, and a huge 5.8 cubic foot ice box. The CS 27 is a sleek boat that was built strong enough for some serious ocean sailing.
CS-27 / CS-29 Rotorcraft – AeroTürk
The content of EASA CS-27 / CS-29 training is as follows; Introduction; Cabin Safety; Floatation & Ditching; Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICA) Maintenance Review Board (MRB) Operational Suitability Data (OSD) MMEL ; Avionics; Environmental Control System & Icing ; Software; Airborne Electronic Hardware; Flight Test