How do I set a variable to a command's output in csh?
2018年1月16日 · I have a number in a text file like : int_width: 5230 I want to set this number (5230) to a variable in csh. What is the correct form? (grep is working before setting ...
How do I check which shell I am using? - Ask Ubuntu
2015年2月28日 · I read that terminal is nothing but shell, and Unix provides different flavors of shells: Bourne shell (sh) C shell (csh) TC shell (tcsh) Korn shell (ksh) Bourne Again shell (bash) Questions: When I open a terminal window, which shell is opened by default? How do I check how many shells are installed? How do I change the shell used from my account?
command line - No csh or tcsh? - Ask Ubuntu
2014年6月22日 · In /bin, I see bash, but no csh or tcsh. When I created a ".cshrc" file in my home directory, it had no effect; that's how I discovered this problem. So the question is this: how do I switch to ...
csh - add a new column with a constant into a file - Ask Ubuntu
2018年1月12日 · I have a file with 108 lines and 3 columns. I want to add each line a 0 (in the fourth column) in cshell. like from this 11443 225 3 1245645 22 3 18966 2975 3 ... to this 11443 225 3 0 124564...
how to source csh script from bash environment? - Ask Ubuntu
2015年12月10日 · I am using bash shell but some of the scripts that I need to source are in csh format. Can somebody tell how I can source csh scripts from bash shell? By sourcing I mean the sourced csh script sho...
apt - Unable to locate package "csh" - Ask Ubuntu
I tried installing csh, but it throws me the error: unable to locate package csh My Ubuntu version is 12.04.
How I can Install csh as a non-root user? - Ask Ubuntu
2014年6月5日 · I noticed some things about what you did. There is an easier way to get this installed. you can simply install csh by going to your terminal. Then type sudo apt-get install csh To make your csh a default option on boot type in a terminal which csh. To enter into csh terminal just go to the regular terminal and input csh. From a how to web site.
Why do I get a "cannot execute csh..." error when I try to "sudo su"?
2012年8月13日 · It seems you are using csh shell as your root login shell. So you can either install the missing shell using @izx answer. Or just change the default login shell of your root to a valid, installed login shell. You can change the login shell of the root with command: sudo chsh -s /bin/bash root So now bash will become the login shell of root. You may change the shell to …
How do I fix "MANPATH: undefined variable." in csh?
2017年10月21日 · If you just need to run a provided csh script, then it shouldn't be necessary to start an interactive C-shell - just make sure it's executable and run it as ./somescript. If you do need to get the interactive shell to work for some reason, then check for a ~/.cshrc or ~/.tcshrc file and edit your question to include its contents
scripts - Floating point in CSH? - Ask Ubuntu
2016年6月1日 · The syntax of this example is written for csh/tcsh, but the principle works in bash as well. If you need something more complicated than this, you may want to implement your script in python instead.