Aeronautics innovations | CSIR
Long-endurance modular UAV (LEMU) The Long-endurance modular UAV (LEMU) is a research platform, designed to provide the capability for validating novel technology components and/or basic sub-systems by integration and demonstration in a relevant flight environment.
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Focus on CSIR
The CSIR Long Endurance Modular UAV (LEMU) is a research platform, designed to provide the capability for validating novel technology components and/or basic subsystems by integration and demonstration in a relevant flight environment.
南非模块化无人机LEMU进展 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2019年6月9日 · 南非科学和工业研究委员会 (CSIR)正在为其长航时模块化无人飞行器 (LEMU)的飞行测试做准备,该飞行器将于年底前升空。 LEMU可以用多种发动机配置飞行,包括汽油和电力。 汽油发动机版本将首先上市。 目前有三架LEMU飞机:两架的结构类似于LEMU飞机所基于的模块化无人机 (一架汽油发动机驱动,一架装有电动机),以及一架带有两种动力装置的机身构型。 CSIR还将氢燃料电池视为LEMU的一种能源,因为它们具有极高的能量密度,除了比内燃机更 …
CSIR progressing with UAV developments - defenceWeb
2019年6月7日 · The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) is getting ready for flight testing of its Long Endurance Modular Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (LEMU), which will take to the air before the end of the year. The LEMU can be flown with multiple engine configurations, including petrol and electric. The petrol engine version will fly first.
CSIR planning new version of LEMU UAV - defenceWeb
2017年12月11日 · The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) is planning to develop a fuel cell version of its Long Endurance Modular UAV (LEMU) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), in addition to its electric and internal combustion variants, which are due to fly in 2018.
South Africa military drones – Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
2022年6月8日 · The LEMU is a twin-engine drone that first flew in 2009. There are two variants; one with an internal combustion engine and another with an electric engine. CSIR intends to begin flight tests by 2020, and the max take-off weight is 65 kilograms with up to 20 kilograms of payload capacity.
The CSIR’s R&D portfolio in Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) has grown considerably with increasing demand for the use of its research platforms as well as its aerodynamic design and optimisation capability. The CSIR houses a UAS laboratory which incorporates high-fidelity flight simulators with aircraft sub-system
CSIR decarbonizing aviation with hydrogen-powered drone
2022年12月2日 · The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) continues to prioritize green-energy technologies, as it builds hydrogen-powered unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) using locally developed fuel cell technology. CSIR aims to support South Africa’s efforts to decarbonise aviation by 2050.
Unmanned Aircraft Systems | Defsec - CSIR
The CSIR houses a UAS laboratory which incorporates high-fidelity flight simulators with aircraft sub-system hardware-in-the-loop, such as autopilots and control surface servo actuators. The role that the CSIR currently plays in the UAS field is that of: • Conceptual design • Multi-disciplinary optimisation • Detailed design
CSIR showcases defence and security technology - defenceWeb
2019年2月8日 · CSIR developed electronic warfare hardware. The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has displayed some of the innovative technologies being developed by its divisions, from unmanned aerial vehicles to gunshot and missile detection systems.