Yuri | Counter Strike Online Wiki | Fandom
Yuri (Юрий) is a female Terrorist character in Counter-Strike Online. Born in Asia during the early to mid 1990's, Yuri is a genius when it comes to explosives. She was rumored to have died in an accident while researching new explosives during conflicts between warring nations.
Yuri/CSO2 | Counter Strike Online Wiki | Fandom
Yuri is a female Terrorist character in Counter-Strike Online 2. Born in the mid 90s in Asia, Yuri is an expert in everything related to explosives. She participated in the Islamic separation wars, and is known to have died during experiments with new explosives...
【王牌角色】爆破之花-安娜(Pyromaniac Yuri) @CS Online﹝絕 …
2023年3月21日 · 爆破之花-安娜(韓語:폭탄광 유리,英語:Bomb Maniac Yuri 或 [CSN:S]Pyromaniac Yuri,中國大陸譯:「【女僕】安娜」)。 對爆破物具有天賦的神祕少女。 聽說他與某個勢力建立了特殊關係,只會進行必要的破壞工作。
Pyromaniac Yuri | Counter Strike Online Wiki | Fandom
2023年3月9日 · Bomb Maniac Yuri is a Transcendent grade Terrorist character in Counter-Strike Online. A mysterious girl with an amazing talent for handling explosives. Yuri is known for working exclusively on more destructive activities. Although she successfully completed most of her missions, she once unintentionally injured Jennifer while on assignment.
【CSO】王牌角色 | 爆破之花– 安娜 | 台服語音 (Pyromaniac Yuri
Pyromaniac Yuri Voice Taiwan Server. If you like my video, please give me a like and subscribe~ It will be a great encouragement and motivation for me!
【攻略】Counter-Strike Online 2 所有角色&活屍介紹
2017年12月20日 · 作為全球恐怖組織的傭兵活動,情報不詳的恐怖份子。 他所犯下的恐怖行動足以留名歷史。 倫敦奧運時,他發表"完全革命"的聲明,主導恐怖組織的聯合,開始準備征服世界的大規模恐怖行動。 過去的行蹤與身分完全不詳,是個極為神秘的人物,使得CTU要追擊他非常困難。 一代經典 里特. [恐怖的象徵] 是過去里特的樣貌,看起來比現在還要老,那一定是你的錯覺! 米菈 (Mila) [戰場赤狐] 出身敘利亞難民村的孤兒,被里特收留後,以暗殺狙擊手之姿重新誕生。 …
CSO2 -Yuri Review (Japanese Seiyu) - YouTube
2016年2月28日 · We take a look at Yuri, released on the Taiwan CSO2. She's voiced by a Japanese seiyu, Yuka Iguchi (井口 裕香).Counter-Strike Online 2 Taiwan/ Hong Kong (絕對武力Onl...
死或生5 CSO YURI PACK Mod V1.0 下载- 3DM Mod站
2018年8月23日 · 在3DM Mod站下载死或生5最新的CSO YURI PACK Mod,由huchi001制作。ff_ki在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!
Yuri and Choi CSO 2 [Counter-Strike: Source] [Mods]
Player Yuri TR and Choi CT... A Counter-Strike: Source (CS:S) Mod in the CT & T category, submitted by shinkune
Yuri (Limited Edition) | Counter Strike Online Wiki | Fandom
Yuri: Limited Edition is a female Terrorist character in Counter-Strike Online. This uniform is worn by Yuri when she invaded and disguised her identity for secret bomb research. Nobody felt suspicious that she might be a bomb expert...