Analysis of CVC roll contour and determination of roll crown
2007年8月1日 · Mathematical analysis of continuous variable crown (CVC) roll contour used in CSP production line was conducted and the roll contour function of CVC roll was obtained.
CVC® plus bending and shifting systems in finishing stands of hot …
In 1980 already, the basic principle of CVC ® (Continuously Variable Crown) was invented to perfectly supplement the established work roll bending system. It allowed work rolls with a special contour to be axially shifted and the resulting roll crown and hence the roll gap profile to be continuously influenced.
Optimization of continuous variable crown work roll shifting …
CVC technology is one of the widely used roll shifting technologies. Many research works have been conducted on roll contour curve design, shifting strategy optimization, and new kinds of work roll with shifting function. Xu et al. 13 introduced a method to design the CVC-Plus work roll curve.
CVC轧辊工作研究 - 百度文库
CVC(Continuously Variable Crown)轧辊,就是连续可变凸度轧辊,其辊身曲线呈S型,图1给出了CVC轧辊的辊系布置及其工作原理。 两个外形相同的轧辊相互倒置180°布置,通过两辊沿相反方向的对称移动,可获得从中凹到中凸连续变化的辊缝形状。
CSP热轧CVC工作辊凸度范围的分析及选择 - USTB
《工程科学学报》 (Chinese Journal of Engineering)是由教育部主管、北京科技大学主办的学术类科技期刊,ISSN 2095-9389, CN 10-1297/TF,月刊,国内外公开发行,主要刊载工学领域的具有创新意义或有较大应用价值的高水平研究论文。
The principle and advantages of CVC rolling mill
CVC technology is generally called continuous variable crown control technology. It was originally applied to the two-roller rolling mill and was successful. In recent years, it has been commonly used on the four-roller rolling mill and six-roller mill, and has achieved remarkable results.
CVC rolls with roll shifting: a) neutral crown; b) negative crown; …
Axial shifting of these rolls results in a continuously variable crown (CVC) system, and the crown gets imparted to the rolled strip. In addition, crown builds up owing to a number of other...
Control strategy of multi-stand work roll bending and shifting on …
2023年1月6日 · In order to improve the crown control ability and high quality to meet the Profile Contour Flatness Control (PCFC) requirements of wide electrical steel in the hot strip mills (HSMs), the control strategy of multi-stand work roll bending forces and shifting stroke on the crown for the universal variable crown (UVC) mill is established based on ...
先进变凸度工作辊辊形及其控制特性 - USTB
摘要: 跟踪某2250 mm热轧生产线CVC辊形实际窜辊数据发现,连续变凸度(CVC)辊形常窜到两端极限位置.分析表明,CVC辊形的二次凸度调控能力随带钢宽度减小而呈二次方下降趋势,表现出对较窄带钢凸度控制能力的明显不足.Smart-Crown辊形也存在同样问题.提出一种新的先进 ...
板形控制 - 百度百科